
Monday, April 15, 2013

Biting more than Chewing

You know that old saying "biting off more than you can chew"?  I am quite the expert at this.  And despite telling myself every time I am in this muddle that I will not do it again - I do.

So.  This is where I'm presently at.  I have signed up to TWO QAL's.  The Bloom Bloom Pow over at Freshly Pieced and the Texas Teardrop at The Quilting Lodge.  I've managed to completely surprise myself and am up to date with the first.  I have not even managed to think about fabric for the second.  I think I am going to have to shelve it for now, and Pin it for a later date.  I've also signed up for The Fat Quarter Shop Myster BOM, which starts in a couple of months.  I've been looking forward to it since registering earlier this year.  Can't wait.  As long as I have the time!

Still in quilting world, I have my QCA bee #5, which I'm thankfully managing to keep up to date with.  March was my month as Queen Bee and  I've been absolutely thrilled with all the blocks that have arrived so far, only a few more to go and I can think about how I'm going to turn them all in to a quilt.

In very exciting news, I was invited to take part in an awesome paper piecing bee!  I was quite chuffed to think that these fab ladies think I'm up to the challenge, so I've taken it on, and will quietly crap my pants each month that the blocks are chosen!  I've just received my first block today and am laughing myself silly on the inside, but am determined that I will. get. it. done. properly.  Stay tuned.

And in HUGE news, I was approached a few weeks ago to supply an amazing homewares store overseas with cushion covers!  Not my quilted cushions, but some really fun, bright coloured cushion covers that the owner requested after seeing the fabrics I choose to work with over at Ms Midge.  After picking myself up off the floor, I punched some numbers and spat out a wholesale price, which was enthusiastically agreed upon, and last week ordered 75 yards of fabric!  Soon after hitting "finalise purchase", I had a mini heart attack wondering how I would get 120 cushion covers made and sent by the end of May?  I'm happy to say I called on good old Mum, who I am now outsourcing to, to help me in the construction to speed things up.  Soooo, from June, if you're in Bali, pop by Kody & Ko and check out my fancy cushion covers.

As murphy's law would have it - what has been a quiet time in terms of orders for Ms Midge - the same week I signed off on the above deal, I had an influx of orders and enquiries.  I am now madly trying to get myself organised and get all orders done and dusted before my huge fabric order arrives and all hell breaks loose!

Do you ever bite off more than you can chew??


  1. Oh Melissa!! And I thought I was busy!!! Don't stress about the paper piecing if you don't have time to get to it!

  2. Midge you're awesome and I'm constantly in awe of you! :) you are going to have such fun with our bee and if this month gets too much, I totally don't mind :) congrats on all the orders and the big cushion order xx

  3. Ps, I love the change to your header xx

  4. Oooh congratulations! When it rains it pours ;o)

  5. Do I ever bite off more than I can chew? ALL THE TIME! I'm signed up for 3 bees, Texas Teardrops + some QALs that I haven't even started. And I almost forgot The Farmers Wife SAL as well. And we babysit a lot too.

  6. And that's not even your day job?!! Murphy's law for sure!! Have fun getting all that work done!!:)


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