
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

W.I.P. Wednesday #21 - Pinwheeling

In the post cushion cover apocalypse, I have begun to see the light again!  I finished my 7th quilt for the year on the weekend, and was able to start a new project yesterday.  It's very, very satisfying to get the creative juices going again!

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I was joining in with Collaborate For A Cause this year.  Well, this is the beginning of my half of the collaboration.....

My first ever pinwheels!  I think it could be the start of another addiction.....
Aren't they cute!?
And the very cute polka dot backing.

I won't tell you what it actually is, or what the other half of the collaboration is until it's all finished!  Gotta build the suspense yes?

Ummmmmmm...... This is going to be an interesting learning curve!
Oh, and please PLEASE tell me you can tell the difference in the photo quality of the top 3 pictures?!?!  I bought myself this new little big mother trucking camera, and am eagerly trying to learn how to use it properly!  I'm pretty sure my friend Molli Sparkles will be very pleased to know I am yet to use it on Auto!

I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced - you can too!
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. I love the pinwheels against the white - so fresh!


  2. Cute, colorful pinwheels! And yes!! I definitely see the difference in the quality of photos!! Good job on no auto...that's the only way to learn.

  3. Love your pinwheels quilt; very sweet! I also like the pictures you took. I have been learning while blogging as well; a good picture makes such a difference, right? Very nice all around!

  4. Very sweet! Good luck with your new camera.

  5. Love the Pinwheels, Love the fabrics and Looove the new camera - you lucky thing you!:)

  6. Your pinwheels are adorable, but I'm kind of reeling at 7 finishes so far this year. Wow! You are very impressive - unless your year begins in June or something. But wow, that's awesome you've accomplished so much and I'm only a little bit jealous :-)

  7. Your pinwheels are so pretty and happy!!! Love them against the white backgrounds.



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