
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday Stash #16 - The one where I have no idea when I bought fabric that arrived!

Yes, that seriously did happen!  I went to my mailbox earlier this week to be greeted by a package from a business I did not recognise.  And upon opening said package I found this gorgeous Kaufman chevron print!  About a yard of it!  And I still, even after doing some investigating, cannot for the life of me remember purchasing it!  Oh well, I shall make good use of it!

U know u have a problem when fabric arrives and you have no idea that you bought it???!!! #wtf 

This next  delivery was very exciting - and I remembered buying it!  I've said it an earlier Sunday Stash post that I have been re-collecting Wrenly prints ever since I realised that I should not have sent all my scraps packing back in my "quilting is too fiddly and I will never do it" stage.  I nabbed myself two yards of this beautiful dandelion print!

My Wrenly collection is coming along nicely thanks to others destashing! 

And last but certainly not least - this very exciting delivery!  I won a fat quarter pack of Bari J's Bijoux from her on Instagram!!  I nearly fell over when I saw I had been tagged in her winning post!  And I apologise for the photo, but I am typing this post very quickly before heading out to the footy, so haven't had time to re-photograph it!  But I can assure you it's DIVINE!

#omg it's here! Thank you @barij !!!!

That's it!  I'm linking up with Sunday Stash over at Finding Fifth!  You can too!


  1. Lucky you having some mystery fabric turn up at your door. Perhaps you ordered it after a glass of wine?! Or did you win a competition? Anyhow, it's gorgeous! And how fabulous that you won the Bari J fabric, congratulations :-)

  2. Oh pretty! Congrats. I especially like the dandelion print.

  3. I've had the odd purchase appear after a glass of wine! Don't tell my husband! Lovely dandelions print :o)

  4. Beautiful beautiful fabrics. Can't wait to see what you'll make with them. :)

  5. congrats on your fabric win! that dandelion print is fabulous!

  6. You're so lucky! I've slowly fallen in love with Bijoux during the blog hop. I'm currently stalking UK suppliers hoping that they get some in lol!

    Also loving the dandelion print. X

  7. What's your history on Wrenly? I think I recently bought some (like you, can hardly remember!) because its watercolor style appealed to me. I think I got this same dandelion but in different colour ways--gorgeous! And girl, you are ALWAYS winning something! I need to start hanging out with you!

  8. Yes a mystery fabric purchase is funny but not as funny as how it goes with your Wrenly colourway!

  9. haha! that has happened to me before (much to the dismay of my husband). It gorgeous, so I'm sure you'll find something awesome to do with it! by the way, I didn't see a bloglovin' button, but I've added you to my bloglovin' and following that way!

    -Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  10. I know this is an older post but I am also another fellow Wrenly lover. I was luvky enough to buy a boxful of assorted Wrenly oddment bundles from someone in the US. Some pieces were FQ others almost a yard, and some just strips. I am very slooowwwly making my way through them


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