
Saturday, July 20, 2013

50,000 - Not That I'm Counting!

It's been a super cold, wet and Winter's day here in Melbourne.  But that little number up there just put a smile on my dial.  I'm not much of a statistics girl, in fact, I don't really like numbers - BUT - I just noticed that this little blog of mine has now officially gone over 50,000 page views!

I started tapping away on my keyboard back in 2009, not really having any real vision or purpose to my blog.  Or page views......hahahaha.  In fact, the majority of those before-mentioned pageviews have been in the past 12 months - when I started blogging my way through sewing and quilting.  Who woulda thought?

Long time readers will know that I started out with lots of personal ramblings.  I still come in here and ramble about my personal life every now and then, but mostly I'm sharing my love of quilting - through trial and error.  Although I was taught to sew by my Mummy, some 30 years ago - quilting has been something I have mostly researched and learnt on line!  My husband told me years ago that I needed to find a hobby.  Seems I've found it......

To say thank YOU for stopping by, viewing my blog, leaving me comments, giving me handy tips and links when I ask for them, and when I don't - I'd love to do a little old give-away.

If you've been reading here for a little while, you will know what I'm talking about when I say that my little shoe-box is bursting at the seams.  Just when I think I couldn't possibly fit any more fabric on to my shelves, more sneaks in.  So for this give-away, I'm going to send some of my fabric a packing.  To your place!

The lucky recipient will receive a surprise pack of fabric - a few scraps, fat quarters and maybe a notion or two. 

To enter, just leave me a comment telling me what brought you here to my blog, and if you are a "follower", why you keep coming back?

I really am chuffed each and every time I notice that I have a new reader!  And I read every single comment that is left - so on the odd occasion I don't reply - please know I have indeed read it!

Thank again!

Love Midge

*  Entries are open until 9am Thursday 25th July (Australian Eastern Standard Time). Winner will be chosen by me and posted via my blog on Thursday 25th of July.  Please ensure you have left your email address in your comment if you are a NO REPLY BLOGGER.


  1. I honestly don't remember when I started following your blog, but I love how your quilts have progressed from easy peasy to much more complicated beautiful designs! It makes me think that I too can do such beautiful work! When I get a better machine that is! lol :)

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  2. I can't remember how I 'found' you either! probably via another blog!! but I love your easy way of writing and the mix of things on your blog!

  3. I don't remember when I added your blog to my reader but I it has been in the last year I think. I enjoy all of the quilts that you show on your blog, thanks for the chance to win!

  4. I'm sure I found you thru a blog hop and keep coming back because your blog is informative, entertaining and brightens my day. Love seeing your quilts and hearing about your adventures.

  5. I have been following you by email for a while. I have the quilt blogs I like going to my email so I don't miss them. I love quilts and like to read about people making quilts they love. I get new ideas and get a peak into someone's life and make a new friend. All wonderful things for me.

  6. Congratulations!! I can't remember how I found your blog but I follow because you are hilarious and I like your style :)

  7. I've been following you for a couple months now, I think! It's hard to quantify sometimes what makes you want to see more of someone's work, but overall, you have great personality and I just really like the work that you do! The Swoon quilt you just posted was so bold, I had to stop and look at it for a good moment :) I hope when mine's finished it looks so dynamic! Congratulations on a milestone, I'm still in disbelief that I have over 1,000 pageviews, haha.

  8. I've been following your blog for some months now, I can't remember how I came across it but I am glad that I did. Your quilts are stunning! I've never tried quilting myself but will be looking into getting the equipment (rotary cutter, walking foot etc.) after seeing your Swoon quilt. I love it so much, I'm going to buy the pattern but will obviously practice on something small to begin with. Thank you for sharing your hobby and inspiring me to try something new. Congratulations on an amazing milestone!

  9. Honestly, I don't know - WIP Wednesday? Your comment on one of the other (especially NZ and Aussie) blogs I follow, like Kristy's? Definitely enjoying coming back, though, due to your projects and writing style. Congrats on the page views and the having found your hobby. :D

  10. It's been great to get to know you through the Plum and June blog hop, but I keep coming back because you're fun to read and your projects are gorgeous! Congratulations on hitting 50,000!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

    by the way-the global quilting community is so awesome. I did have to do a double take when you mentioned cold, wet, wintry weather! Of course, it's just the opposite in the US. had to read that twice! haha!

  11. I only recently started following your blog. I found you via Molli Sparkles as well as the WiP and Sunday Stash linkups and then started following via Bloglovin. I love your writing style and your projects and enjoy seeing new posts pop up in my Bloglovin feed. Huge congrats on reaching 50,000.

  12. I saw your quilt in the bloom bloom pow QAL and loved it! So I thought I would check out your blog, liked what I saw and stuck around ;)

  13. I really don't remember when I started following you. It's always cool to find other Kiwi and Oz bloggers and I really like your writing style. You write like you are talking to a friend and it just feels like we are sitting in the lounge having a cuppa and sharing our quilting highs and lows.

  14. I don't remember what drew me to your blog anymore, but I've been following you for at least 6 months. I remember that I was excited when you joined the X and + bee, but I was really disappointed when you dropped out. I really like your stuff and I was excited to see what I would get from you. I understand over-committing though. Maybe someday we'll be in a bee together again. We could always arrange our own. ;)


  15. i went looking for good quilt blog's and found your blog and have enjoyed it every sence

  16. Let me count the fifty thousand ways that I love you! Did we find each other in the QCA? Seems like a lifetime ago already! I look forward to that day when we meet and we can go shopping together!

  17. Congratulations!! I am sure you will hit 100,000 before you know it :) xx

  18. Congratulations wow that is a super high number. I do not remember when I started following you but it has been for a while now. I do enjoy reading all of your posts. You have a wonderful blog. Keep up the superb blogging.

  19. Woohoo! Congrats on getting to 50,000 Midge! I haven't been following too lomg, because I found you during the last Sew Mama Sew giveaway. But I'm so glad I did, because I love your style! I just checked my page views, I have a very impressive 233 views, LOL. Guess I should put in more effort?

  20. I found your blog through one of the other Aussie bloggers - I think Kristy or Alyce. I enjoy reading it because your quilts are beautiful and you amaze me how quickly you make them. Thanks for sharing and congratulations :-)

  21. I found your blog in a blog hop and got stuck. I enjoy your writing because it's down to earth and you also report of errors, you aren't afraid to show that not everything works out perfectly when you do it first. Thanks so much for sharing and congratulations on that amazing number of page views! (I'm still below 1,000 after over a year of blogging).
    And thanks for offering a giveaway!

  22. Congratulations! I don't remember how I found your blog, but I keep coming back because I like your style. Thanks!

  23. That's a pretty great number, I'm glad I could help with that, LOL! I enjoy reading your posts and looking at your creations- including the children. Keep up the good work and keep having fun!

  24. That is one helluva impressive number! But well deserved so congrats & keep up the good work. As a fellow Australian quilter, I'm always happy to find another local & clever quilty blog to follow.

  25. I can't really remember when I started to read your blog Melissa, but it would have been in the last 9 months or so. I suspect I might have come across it in trawing the web for inspiration, which I do often. I started blogging myself about 6 months ago, but am a lot slacker than you as I only post maybe a couple of times a week. I just love the quilty network of places I visit, so thank you for your lovely fresh looking page with it's delightful bits and bobs. Your style is very different from mine, and I love it. Thanks for for giving a little bit of yourself. Dasha

  26. Perhaps you could tell me why my profile pic has disappeared? I have been fiddling with it tonight to no avail :-(

  27. I don't remember what brought me to your blog, but I'm sure glad I found it. I keep coming back because I am subscribed by email so I never miss a post. I love your content and hope you will keep bringing more of it to us in the future. Congrats on reaching this amazing milestone!

  28. I am not sure when I started to follow your blog, or what brought me to it. I follow by email, and I love getting the updates via email.

  29. I am sure I found you through a blog hop. I follow on feedly because of your projects and your "voice". Your blog reads as friendly and authentic and make it fun to stick around!

  30. I just began following your blog last week! No....really! I am picky about which blogs I follow, and your quilts are absolutely lovely, and I appreciate the variety.

  31. Hi! I've been following your blog a while. I think I found you originally from a link on facebook, in TSL maybe? I get the emails when you put up a new post. I like seeing the pretty pictures of things made, wish is why I'm still here :-)

  32. I don't remember when I started to follow either! I love your blog though...i get inspired from you :)

  33. Hi Midge. I don't remember how I actually came across your blog which I think it was only a month or two ago. I have you in one of my favourites folders and pop back every few days to see if anything is happening!

  34. First time on you blog - because your Swoon quilt pulled me in ;-) beautiful!
    Congrats on your 50K milestone! Love your Dresden projects - and will come back for more.

  35. Congrats on the milestone. Awesome work! I'm a relatively new follower who realllly took notice when those gorgeous Swoon blocks of yours started popping up in QCA. :)

  36. Congratulations. I love coming by your blog for insperation. Love your new quilt, I love simple elegant quilts

  37. First I want to congratulate you, I found today your lovely blog, dont know how I missed it such a long time. But I will stay, already following you with google connect. Thanks for this give-away. Hugs

  38. Woot! I think I found you after you left a few comments on my blog? And I come back because you make lovely things :o)

  39. I enjoyed looking at your quilts, like you were taught I am teaching my 40yr old daughter to hand quilt and piece, she is an enthusiastic student. She comes to my home 3 times a week and I sit with her as she quits, she is doing a lovely job and I'm very proud of her. I hope like you she will be able to design and make her own quilts in time

  40. I started following your blog today! I saw your Circa quilt on WIP at Freshly Pieced, and immediately fell in love with it. Such a lovely quilt! Your use of fabrics and color is superb, beautiful!

  41. I am a new follower and I am here because a friend told me about your blog :) Thanks for the chance!

  42. I honestly can't remember how I found your blog but I love it! I am a follower and it is marked in my favorites that I try to read through during the week!

    Thanks for sharing your fun ideas and for a chance to win! Love the dresses that you just posted!



Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment - I read each and every one of them! xx