
Friday, July 19, 2013

T.G.I.F.F. - The One Where My Swoon Gets Sent Packing.....

Remember this photo from Wednesday?

Finished Swoon Quilt Top

Well, it now has a beautiful pieced backing to go with it.....

Swoon Pieced Backing

When I bought the yardage for this backing - from The Intrepid Thread - I was not really sold on the print.  I mean, there are sooooo many divine prints in the Notting Hill range, but all of my first choices (yes, you can have more than one first choice!) were too low in stock and would not be able to accommodate this 90" beauty!  So the lovely Julie said "this is it".  And that's what I got.

BUT - now that it's made up - I LOVE IT!!!!

Swoon Pieced Backing

I had to use my brain and lack of mathematical skills to come up with the pieced section.  Lucky for me I'd only just read THIS blog post by Christa Quilts, in which she talks about how she works out her pieced backs.  Although I knew that's how it would be done, it was very helpful in this process.  I used my own technological know how to work mine out.....

My über technical mathematics for quilt back. #ihatemaths

Old school.....

So that's it my friends!  My beautiful Swoon quilt is finished!  Well, sort of.  This will be the first quilt that I will not be quilting myself.  And although I am VERY excited about sending it off to Jeanette to be quilted on her long arm, I am just a tad bit disappointed that I won't be doing it myself.  And on that note - I best go and spend another hour or two looking through designs and trying to come to some sort of decision about HOW I want it to be quilted!!!  Aghhhhhhh!!!!!!

I'm linking up with T.G.I.F.F. being hosted by the lurvely Molli Sparkles today!  You can too!

Now.......what to do with ALL those Notting Hill leftovers and scraps?


  1. What a lovely top and back! I love the fabrics and your blocs. I come back to see your quilting.

  2. that quilt is going to be so divine all finished. love the pieced backing!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  3. Awesome job Midge! I reckon you'll get over the disappointment when you see how amazing and professional it looks quilted :-)

  4. Don't you dare do anything drastic with those Notting Hill scraps before running it by me! LOL! :-P That particular teal and citron is so unique, I'm glad you wound up with it. It's such a good fabric for this quilt back because it's so unexpected and not pink! Thanks for linking up and inviting me to share your fabric box!

  5. Oh is beautiful! The back turned out so nice. Can't wait to see it completed.

  6. Absolutely gorgeous, it's going to look fab when it's done :)

  7. Oh, it's so beautiful! Both the top and back. I can't wait to see it quilted! And your leftovers...? I say a baby quilt? A matching cushion? A handbag or wallet for yourself?! On the selfish side - a giveaway!?!


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