
Friday, August 23, 2013

T.G.I.F.F. - No seriously - Thank God This Week is Over!

Things have been awfully quiet here in my home this week.  My sewing machine has been sitting dormant, there have been no loose threads attacking everyone's clothing and nobody has stepped on a pin.  You see, I spent the first few days of the week either sitting in our local Emergency Department, or in a hospital ward wondering what on earth was going on with my insides!  To cut a long story short - I had a pretty impressive pain in my abdomen from last Friday, and when I finally went to the GP on Monday afternoon, she sent me off to see if it was appendicitis.  Hmmmm.......  Ultimately, after spending one night in the ED and another night on the ward - it turns out they really couldn't figure it out, and didn't want to go exploring.  Which suited me just fine!  We shall now refer to those couple of days as "forced rest".  On the plus side - I started The Hunger Games series of books, and had plenty of time to read!

Fast forward to yesterday afternoon, and I really needed to sew.  Nothing too big, just something to keep my hands busy.  So I got on to this month's Wombat Stew Bee Blocks.

The lovely Alyce from Blossom Heart Quilts designed her own Kimono paper pieced blocks, and asked us to choose either the front or back.  I chose the front......

Kimono Paper Pieced

It came together sooooo quickly and was a wonderfully easy pattern to follow!  So...... I decided I'd also make a back.....

Kimono Paper Pieced

Another very quick pattern to whip up!

Kimono Paper Pieced

And that my friends, is all I sewed this week!  Well, I did just finish a dress tonight, but will save that for another day!

I'm linking up with T.G.I.F.F. being hosted by Sewing By Moonlight


Paper Piecing Party at Quietplay

Paper Piecing Party


  1. It's perfectly fine not to sew. I beleive break can be very helpful/useful. I was just chatting about it with one of my friends. The internet is full of images like sewing on the beach, aerplane whatever. Don't let that force you to think it's a norm! Anyway I hope you are feeling better! Get well soon.

  2. Hi! Just adorable kimonos! Thank you for sharing! I should make something for my sister who lived some years in Japan. x Teje

  3. First off....I am so glad that you are OK! Then.....these are beautiful blocks. The colors you picked are wonderful.

  4. Happy to hear that you are better now! Rest means rest, right? That means "no sew" too LOL! How are the books by the way?
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    Ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  5. Gosh what an awful start to the week. Good to hear you are okay now. I love those blocks

  6. Goodness me! You've certainly been through the wars :( I'm glad your week had a happy ending though ... the kimono blocks turned out lovely, such happy fabric choices.

  7. beautiful blocks and I hope the rest really helped you feel better!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  8. Glad that you are feeling better now! Your blocks turned out just beautifully!

  9. I love your Kimonos - they look great. Glad you are on the mend.

  10. Eep! Well at least you got some rest at the end of the day and what you did get to looks beautiful ;)

  11. Poor you. And if you're anything like me, you never get time to read any more, so getting some reading time is a bonus. I loved that series. Cool blocks too.


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