
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Stash - The "I got my tax return" Edition!

I'm very happy to be hosting Sunday Stash today, thanks Fiona for leaving it in my sometimes incapable hands!

Until I started quilting, I looked at fabric purchases a completely different way.  I would choose entire fabric collections, yards of each print, and then make little dresses and outfits from them.  NOW, I look at my purchases from a different perspective.  Fat quarter bundles have become a staple in my fabric diet, because I have come to appreciate just how far one fat quarter will go when it comes to quilting!  Give me a whole bundle of fat quarters and well, the options are huge!

Today I'm sharing with you (some of) what's on its way to me.  You see, I got my tax return a few weeks ago, and I also got paid for my Flying By The Seat Of My Pants quilt, which a lovely customer bought from me!  Sooooo, after much window shopping (read: online fabric shopping), I finally decided on a couple of purchases.

There are sooo many beautiful fabrics being brought out every. single. day.  And it makes it increasingly difficult for me to decided how I am going to spend my money!  Given that the Australian dollar is not as strong as it used to be, I have to really think long and hard about said purchases, because it's not as cheap!  I have email subscriptions to quite a number of online fabric stores, namely The Intrepid Thread,, Westwood Acres, Pink Castle Fabrics and Hawthorne Threads (the list is huge, but these are my favourites).  Being kept up to date with these stores means I'm more likely to know when they are having sales or specials - and that makes me a very happy fabric loving girl!

So how does one choose?  Well, I think about any upcoming projects I need fabric for and I also look through the Sales sections to see which past collections I have drooled over may be up for grabs!  There are also times when I NEED to purchase fabric that I just HAVE to have!

Have I dragged this out long enough?  Want to see what I have coming?  OK, here goes:

Nordika in Frost Valley
Waterfront Park in Breeze
World Tour
Briar Rose - I bought a few of the prints from the range, including this one!
Custom Bundle - Julie from The Intrepid Thread is incredibly helpful and put this bundle together for me after a special colour request from a friend for a quilt.  They are mostly made up of a range by V and Co.
I also grabbed a bunch of gorgeous prints that were in the sales section of The Intrepid Thread.  Half yards of gorgeousness that I know will come in handy!  I will be sure to show you all of this loveliness when in lands here in person!

I may have made another late night order from another online store, but that will have to wait for another edition of Sunday Stash!

So - have you made any purchases this week?  Want to show us your stash, delve in to the depths of your fabric and notions?  Go on - I dare you!  Linky below!


  1. Mmmmm, I need some Waterfront Park!! I think I'll add that to the list of what to get sent to my husband's hotel in the US...

  2. I've been trying not to look ... and then there it is ... Waterfront Park! Ah well, serves me right for looking at Sunday Stashes!

  3. Woah! How exciting. Will you be checking the tracking information obsessively like me? :)

  4. I must grab some of that waterfront park too! Nice nice additions!

  5. Whoa, holy mother of stash addition! Absolutely lovely and worthwhile haul. I think all that deliberating paid off. ;)

  6. Oh, your choices are wonderful!! You did really GOOD.

  7. Now I understand! A ha! You did the same thing I did! Oh gosh, and I want some of the things you bought too! Oh dear, I am going to get shot.


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