
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

When You Think You Have Nothing To Sew!

Saturday night, whilst watching crap tv, I was thinking to myself "I don't have anything to sew this week".  And then lightning struck, thunder cracked, and a tonne of sewing projects seemed to appear from nowhere!  Apparently whilst taking a few days to prepare for the rainbow party to end all rainbow parties (You can see the baking efforts HERE), I had failed to remember a couple of birthdays coming up, the fact I would be meeting a friend's twins for the first time, oh, and then the husband asked if I could make some sort of cover for his iPad? Sure.

So I went to my day job Sunday and Monday, and then this morning got cracking on my list.  And this is what I have achieved so far......

Mug Rug

It is my Mother-in-law's birthday today - Happy Birthday Anne! - and although we have put towards Michael Buble tickets for her, that's not until April, so I needed something small to give to her tonight.  I'd never made a mug rug before (which is quite obvious given the bloody horrible job of binding I did!) so I did a quick Pinterest search to find out how big they were meant to be.  This one has ended up being around 5" x 9.5".  I had some of the backing leftover from my Swoon quilt, and lots of scraps also, so began working out how to incorporate them in to my mug rug.  I made 2.5" HST's from triangle scraps and then sewed them into the little blocks.  Free motioned the swirls through the middle and added some script - the ever so obvious "coffee" and "cake", and in the corners, I have added the names of her four grandchildren.

Mug Rug

I have never worked on such a small scale before when it comes to binding, and really struggled!  It is literally the worst job I have ever done joining my binding, but I am hoping that Anne will forgive me, and I will promise to perfect it for another one!  Overall though, I was pretty happy with this quick little project!

Mug Rug
I whipped out to the hairdresser after lunch, and had this mop of mine chopped and coloured, then straight back home and on to the iPad cover.  I made THIS iPad cover last year, so I found the pattern I bought and went with that.  Except this time I omitted the button and loop for a snap closure, thinking the husband would prefer it.

Architextures iPad Cover for the Husband

Much to my pain and horror, I cut in to my much coveted and loved Architextures bundle.  It hurt me greatly, but I figured it was for the greater good, and my husband would surely love me and appreciate the sacrifice I made for him thank me for making it, and probably shrug at my fabric choice.

iPad Cover for the Husband

I LOVE how it turned out!  I only did some simple straight line quilting around the top part, after I realised the text print is not printed straight (!!!!!!!).

iPad Cover for the Husband

And I pulled out a co-ordinating aqua blue print I picked up from the remnant bin on Sunday at Spotlight!  Winning!  It went beautifully with the snap.

The only thing wrong?  I failed to remember that the husband's iPad also has a bloody keyboard and cover attached to it for taking to Uni.  Which means the cover I have made is around half an inch too small.  Devastation ensued.  But then I shrugged.  I will unpick it once he returns from his Manager's Conference "work holiday" in Bangkok.  Yes, the poor love departs 15 degrees in Melbourne tomorrow, and doesn't return until Monday.  Shame.

So although it was a productive day, both projects were not perfect!  But I do recall  when I asked a couple of weeks ago why you all stuck around here on my blog, a few of you mentioned you liked my honesty and the fact that I point out when I get things wrong royally stuff up!

A QUICK CHANGE OF SUBJECT - Suzanne Seniore from Sewpony popped up a post yesterday sharing her excitement as being among five bloggers considered for the final spot to take part in the upcoming season of Project Run & Play!  I told her I would share her good news and send you all to her BLOG POST as well as consider voting for her HERE!  She is a fellow Aussie blogger and a Melbourne girl to boot!  So if you have a couple of minutes, it would be fabulous if you could go and check it out, and vote if you will!

I'm linking up with Sew Cute Tuesday - You can too!

Better Off Thread


  1. I remember the first time I did a pot are SO right, working with binding on something so small is way different than quilt binding where you have loads of room to make it work! Keep it up though, it is beautiful none the less and your mil will love it! Happy Birthday to her!

  2. Lovely work and thank you so much for the shout out!!!! I think I am one vote from coming first!!

  3. I'd better go and cast a vote then, make sure your friend snaps it up. Love both your projects Melissa, great work.

  4. Your projects are splendid!! The snap idea was great.

  5. I love the Joel Dewberry coffee mug rug !!! It is one of my favorite lines :-)

  6. Beautiful makes. I especially like the Architextures pouch :)


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