
Friday, August 16, 2013

T.G.I.F.F. - The Gift Edition

This week's sewing has been all about gifts!  I posted about a couple I got finished on Tuesday, and over the past two days, I've managed to get the rest done too!  That calls for a big old HOORAH!  Without further ado.......

Paper Pieced Cushion 

First cab off the rank is this gorgeous cushion (yes, another cushion!) that will be gifted tomorrow to a very special little girl who LOVES One Direction!  When I asked her Mum what colours her birthday was, she told me her doona (duvet) cover is a red, white and blue 1D cover!  So I went with that - paper piecing a capital "T" for her name and making the rest up as I went along!  You can find Quiet Play's Alphabet pattern HERE, along with loads of other awesome patterns!

Paper Pieced Cushion 

I was thrilled to find the most beautiful Union Jack fabric in Spotlight.  It is actually a cotton drill, so a bit more hard wearing than regular cotton.  It's made for a stunning cushion back and binding.  Isn't it gorgeous?

Paper Pieced Cushion

I free motion quilted the cushion front using the very last of my white Aurifil (insert sad face).  When you have used Aurifil for quilting and then go back to using regular non-Aurifil cotton, you really can notice the difference.  I feel another overseas order coming......Aurifil anyone?

Mermaid Pinny 

This morning I set myself the challenge of getting five dresses cut out, and at least two finished by day's end.  Given that I woke up feeling like crap and had a spanner thrown in the works in the afternoon, I am pretty damn impressed with myself - because I got all five cut out - and four of them finished!  This first Mermaid Pinny was a special request from my Ms Chloe.  She is OBSESSED with mermaids, and I bought this fabric, ummmmmmm, quite some time ago for her.  She was beyond excited when I showed her the finished product.  And she begged for snap finishes instead of buttons?!?!!?  Ok, done!

Fly A Kite Pinny 

Next up is a little size two pinny for a friend's daughter, whose birthday is coming up fast!  I thought whilst I was on a dressmaking marathon, I may as well add this one to the production line!  This Fly A Kite fabric is one of my all time favourites!  I bought quite a few yards early this year, and love sewing with it!

Little Red Riding Hood Twin Pinnies

And last but certainly not least are these two divine Little Red Riding Hood pinnies.  They are size 3-6 months, and teeny little twin girls, whom I shall be meeting for the first time tomorrow!  This is another favourite print(s) of mine, which my Tokyo best friend picked up for me in the Napori Fabric Town.  I will be sad when it runs out!  Or maybe I will be happy - because that will mean I'll have to send her out fabric shopping in Tokyo for me again?

And now?  I'm tired!

I'm linking up with Quiet Play's Paper Piecing Party and T.G.I.F.F. being hosted over at Amy's Craft Shenanigans - You can too!

Paper Piecing Party


  1. I love the cushion, the quilting on it really makes it sing and those pinnies are just too cute. Those are some very lucky little girls that you've been sewing for.

  2. Love the little dresses! So cute!

  3. Gorgeous cushion, amazing quilting and the dresses are too cute ... You're on fire! :)

  4. I'm tired after reading. :-) My favorite is the red and white dotted pillow with the quilted circles radiating from one white dot. Great quilting design!

  5. I truly love it all! The cushion is so much fun. The birthday girl will love it, I'm sure.

  6. aurifil? that much better? do tell . . . what are the differences. Love the fmqing on your pillow.

  7. Ooh you have been busy! I'm impressed at how much you accomplished!!

    The cushion looks fabulous and I bet the recipient will be thrilled!

    Particularly loving that mermaid dress - super cute!

  8. I love that pillow! Your FMQ looks awesome in all of that negative space.

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  9. Very impressed with your efforts Melissa! The pinnies are just so cute. Those are 4 lucky little girls.

  10. Awww - so sweet! The kite fabric is wonderful!! Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

  11. I love that cushion and those dresses are adorable!

  12. Oh I recognise a couple of those fabrics ;) Love what you made with them.


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