
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday Stash - Breaking News!


Seriously...... Well, unless you count seven yards of unseeded white homespun.....but that's pretty boring, so I did not take a photo.

I'm actually super impressed by this news.  I'm even more impressed that earlier in the week, I was looking around my sewing room shoe box and randomly pulled some fabrics off the shelves, and made some little frocks.......

I've only had this Sarah Jane fabric for a month, and now have none due to customers LOVING them and ordering up!

This pink Peacock Lane fabric has been sitting patiently for around two years!  It's now a size 5 Disco Dress, and still waiting HERE for a new owner!
And this?  Well, I've had a couple of yards in each colourway of these Little Red Riding Hood prints since they came out.  This little size one frock was sold straight away and is on its way to a new home!
So I guess this Sunday Stash post is about the fabrics I don't have plans for.  The ones which sit and just wait for me to be either A. Inspired OR B. Bored........which leads to inspiration!  

Alyce over at Blossom Heart Quilts posed the question of how much your stash is worth over on her FB page today.  I nearly fainted at the thought of having to do so.  Because it would quite possibly induce a guilt coma.  HOWEVER....... The fact that I have a wonderful little customer base who sometimes love my little creations, and will purchase them, make my guilt fade a little - and allow me to sustain my fabric purchasing!!!!  Thank YOU!

Does fabric sometimes just jump out at you off the shelf??  And when it does, do you sometimes wonder where the hell it came from?  Surprised that you even bought it?  Spill!

I'm linking up with Sunday Stash, being hosted by the lovely Alyce today!  You can too!


  1. I don't actually want to know how much money is sitting there in fabric. Having a dollar figure attached to it would just make me feel guilty that I can't sew faster than I can buy it. ;)

  2. I am so in love with that Peacock Lane dress, but it's still miles too big for Isabelle :( But that pattern is great, and the fabric, too sweet!

  3. Lovely dresses! Let's pretend is my fav :)

  4. Such cute little dresses! I can see why your customers love them.


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