
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

W.I.P. Wednesday - Triangles

Something I am yet to have made is a triangle quilt.  Until now.  I started on it yesterday, cutting out triangles upon triangles, but still a gazillion triangles to cut out!

I used a template provided by the tutorial I am roughly following, and really was hoping it would be ok!

Last night, I took all of said triangles, and laid them out to get an idea of placement.  Then saved them before Bella the cat mistook them for something for her amusement, and popped them in piles of rows.

And today - well, I sewed together two whole rows of them!  And then stared at them for ages, knowing that they weren't right.  My instincts were correct, and when I trialled sewing the rows together, I stopped after about 3 triangles, and scratched my head.....

The remainder of my afternoon was spent searching the interwebs for help.  And my un-picker was put to good use, painfully.   I found THIS fab bit of advice over at Stiched In Color, and in the end, I figured that the whole "blunt edge" on the triangle did not work for me, so I have now also spent some time shearing the edges off about 60 triangles, getting rid of the blunt edge and making them pointy.  

And what do you know?  I'm now getting perfect rows of triangles with 1/4" overhang to allow for the sewing of rows together.  The fact that it's taken me a couple of hours of frustration and a sore wrist from un-picking really doesn't matter......hmpfffff.

I currently have a few W.I.P.'S on the go - strange times for me!  I will be sharing another of them on watch this space!

I'm linking up with W.I.P. Wednesday - which just happens to be hosted by my friend Kristy today! - You can too!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

P.S. - To all of you lovely peeps who left me wonderful comments on my Refractatorium Quilt - I THANK YOU!!!!  I've had trouble replying to everyone due to the fact I've had my kids + some here for school holidays!  Please know I LOVE reading your comments and thank you dearly for your encouragement xxx


  1. I'm yet to try triangles one day. Glad it's working out for you after all the fuss.

  2. I love the subtle colours you're using .. and my favourite white on white tiny polka dot fabric! Well done for trying something new, I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out :)

  3. My first attempt at triangles went horribly amiss! I really must give them another go!
    I love your colour palette for these little beauties, it's going to be gorgeous! Can't wait!

  4. Glad you figured it out :) Triangles have always scared me lol

  5. That is going to be a beautiful quilt Midge!!

  6. Ah - seems like triangles gets everyone. I think I will put it off for another year :-)

  7. LOVE the colors of your triangles, cannot wait to see it finished!

  8. Oh the unpicking is such a nightmare - but it'll be worth it now you've saved your points and you'll have a fab triangle quilt to show for your troubles!

  9. I love those colors, your triangle quilt is going to be gorgeous! I've made one triangle quilt, and it is definitely a different way of thinking when sewing them together!


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment - I read each and every one of them! xx