
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Confession - A Christmas First

Yes, my dirty little secret is out...... I've never made Christmas decorations!  Shock, horror, gasp!  The closest I've gotten to making anything Christmas'y are my kids santa sacks - and they were very basic.  But it's ok, I've changed my ways - because on Saturday, I made a table runner!  A Christmas table runner!  Hoorah!

I bought some 1/4 yards of Hip Holiday a few months ago, because I wanted to attempt some Christmas goodies.  But what?  I started adding projects to my Pinterest board a while ago, but in the end, just made something up!  So here it is.....

Hip holiday table runner

Isn't she lovely?  So this is how I made it - I cut out a bunch of 4.5" squares, laid them all out on the floor, and worked out where I wanted my wonky star to be amongst it.  Once I had the layout sorted, I got to making the points for my wonky star, then popped them back in the layout (I use this tutorial if I ever need a refresher!).  I then got to sewing them all together in rows.  Once all the rows were done, I sewed all the rows together - Easy!  This took me probably all of an hour and a half to do!

Hip holiday table runner

Then came the really fun part - the quilting!  I sat and stared at the finished quilt top for a bit, trying to figure out how to quilt it.  I chose my go to Aurifil silver/grey #2605 in 50wt, whacked the walking foot on, and started straight lining it.  Basically straight down each and every seam - 1/4" out.  I went around the star also.

Hip Holiday Table Runner

The walking foot came off, and the fmq foot went on!  I switched over to Aurifil #2024 - nice shimmery white.  I left the grey in my bobbin though - I don't do this often - don't ask me why!?  But because the backing on this was a plain white, I wanted to try letting the quilting really show.  I did some nice little swirls, which are almost the same as the swirls on silver in the fabric.

Hip holiday table runner

The back shows everything!

My very first buried thread! Are you proud @pret tybobbins?!?

The other thing I tried for the FIRST TIME EVER - was burying my threads.  Now I had heard Gemma talking about burying threads before, but had no idea really what on earth it meant, but last week she explained it in her post HERE, and I thought "what the hell".  I was sick of worrying about my reverse stitch coming undone. So with nothing to lose, I started burying!  I LOVE the end result!  You can see on the photo of the back of this runner where I have reverse stitched before I started burying, no more reverse stitching for this little duck!!!!!  The burying of heads stitches was not half as tricky as I had imagined - quite simple really.  And it gives a far more professional end result.

So that my friends, is the latest in my quilting repertoire! Always learning, always learning.....

**This table runner is for sale over on my FB page HERE.

I'm linking up with I Quilt Linky Party & T.G.I.F.F. - OctoberQuest 2 - You can too!


  1. And what a lovely first Christmas Thing ;-). And I hat burying threads, okay it Looks much better, so maybe I should do it the next time too haha

  2. I love that! I actually just bought a bundle of this fabric yesterday and am anxiously awaiting its arrival. I may 'copy' your idea. :-)

  3. Oh, your runner is gorgeous, fun and festive! I love your quilting job. Really highlights those pretty stars! I am surprised more people don't know about burying threads. That's how I have always done it. It sure does look great. Takes a little time, but so worth it! PS There are only 75 days left until Christmas!

  4. I just love it! The colors are fresh and cheerful, the quilting is terrific
    LeeAnna Paylor

  5. Your table runner is lovely Midge. I just love the pink for Christmas. I'll have to get myself some pink Christmas fabric.

  6. That is terrific fabric! Thanks for the tip and link to burying heads...I mean threads!! I am definitely going to try this with my next quilt.

  7. Table runners are great projects when you find a few spare hours. Yours is lovely and very cheerful, Awesome quilting

  8. This is beautiful Midge! I love the colours and the quilting is gorgeous! You're such a quilting rockstar now, I love seeing each new project! Thanks so much for linking up xx

  9. So beautiful, Melissa! I love those fabrics you chose and the quilting -- wonderful! Congrats on a beautiful finish!

  10. Wow! This is so pretty! I really need to start quilting.


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