
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

W.I.P. Wednesday - Triangles Continued....

This baby has been sitting on my shelf, patiently awaiting the arrival of more grey spot, to continue on with the epic-ness that a gazillion triangles sewn together is!  Well, it's arrived - and yesterday was a very productive one!

W.I.P. Triangles

W.I.P. Triangles

I'm incredibly proud - and astonished - to say that no points were harmed lost in the construction of this quilt top.  They are all fully fledged pointy triangles!

Given that this is to become a king single sized quilt - I'm doing some guesstimating in putting it together.  I'm definitely over half way, I'm thinking I have around four more rows to go!  It's going to be a very big bundle of yum.

I've had lots of questions on IG and FB in regards to sewing triangles - so once I've wrapped this quilt up - I will be posting a tutorial of sorts here for you all.  I know that when I went in search of ideas and tips for sewing triangles, I had to gather info from a few different sources.  Hopefully I'll be able to put all the information I found and used all in one spot!

I'm linking up with W.I.P. Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced & And Sew We Craft Linky - You can too!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

And Sew We Craft


  1. Ooooh looking good and well done for not harming any triangle points lol :)

  2. Love it, love triangles and look forward to your tutorial!! I think this would look great in my room!

  3. Ooooh, looking forward to triangle tips. I love the way they look but havent braved them yet. All those points!!

  4. Cool! I'm looking forward your tips since those triangles are on my list :-) You go girl!

  5. Fabulous and those tips are amazing.

  6. Amazing points and I love the muted colors too :)

  7. Oh it is gorgeous. Love love love the colours

  8. thanks so much for a tutorial - in advance!! Your quilt top looks fantastic :-)

  9. I LOVE this quilt....actually might be my favorite of all time! Great job.

  10. Love love love this quilt! I have been dreaming of a triangle quilt for a while but am worried about all the points!
    Glad none of your were harmed in the construction of this quilt :P

    Can't wait to see it finished!

    Thanks for linking up to And Sew We Craft Together! Oh and you were featured on the blog today for the What Crafting Means to Me series :)

    Amy x

  11. So, so pretty! I just love the soft colours you used!

  12. Brilliant pointy triangles! I'm looking forward to seeing the tutorial. And by 'looking forward to', I really mean I'll be checking your blog stalkerishly until it appears :)


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