
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sew Cute Tuesday - Quick & Easy Projects!

Some of you may remember I received a huge addition to my stash earlier this year?  Take a look HERE to refresh your memories!

Well, this past week has seen me cut in to some of the more treasured prints from my Japanese haul.  These are just a couple of them…...

Bunny Pouch
I made this gorgeous zippered pouch using THIS fabulous tutorial by Noodlehead.  I tried making one last year and failed miserably, so was VERY chuffed with myself this time round.  The fabric is a Joli Pomme print, and is just about my favourite in terms of quirkiness!  I mean, rabbits and owls holding umbrellas with life like apples??  LOVE!  The photos don't do it as much justice as it should have, but I was stuck with my iPhone when photo time came.

Bunny Pouch
I used some treasured Kate Spain for the lining and think it works beautifully.  I love how wide these pouches open.

Bunny Pouch
This was gifted to a work friend on Monday, but I have also managed to make another for a little Christmas stocking filler showcase coming up.  Cute yes?

And then today, I was trying to think of a gift to make for another friend's birthday, and the idea hit!  So I went ahead and made something I'd always thought I'd make "one day" - a teabag wallet!

2 cute little tea bag wallets whipped up for gifts

More Joli Pomme and some Kayo Horaguchi.  them!

And some very contrasting black and white prints for the inside.  I used THIS tutorial and let me tell you - super quick and easy!  Whipped them both up under an hour.  I can see more of these in my future…..

These two little projects are also the beginning of my gift sewing for Christmas.  SEVEN. WEEKS. AWAY. PEOPLE.  I'm trying very hard to avoid making a list of what I need to get done before then, and so far it's working!  Tomorrow I shall be back to show you a very spur of the moment quilt top I put together last week……  Another gift I can almost tick off my list that doesn't exist!  Yay me!

How's everyone else doing with their Christmas lists?

I'm linking up with Sew Cute Tuesday - You can too!

Sew Cute Tuesday


  1. Oh I LOVE the fabric on that pouch!!! And thanks for sharing the link to the teabag tutorial. I have a friend who will be getting one of those for Christmas thanks to you! :-)

  2. I love that fabric! I keep adding things to my list for Christmas, and yet here I sit in front of my computer! Oh no!

  3. Love the lining in that zippered pouch! Sew cute! That was quite the haul of fun. =)

  4. That is super cool fabric! The tea holder is also very creative, I'm sure a tea aficionado would love it.

  5. Wonderful and sweet fifty creations!love the tea carrier!

  6. Oh my goodness that fabric is AMAZING!!

  7. Goodness gracious me (I was going to say something else but thought it might be a little inappropriate for a blog comment)! That fabric is so adorable I can actually see past my aversion to purple!!!

  8. That bunny pouch is so darling! What a LARGE group of fabrics on your link. Lucky friend!

  9. I'm loving the small gift inspiration, thanks Midge! I've started my Christmas sewing. I think if I left it much longer, I'd turn into a total grinch from stressing! Lap quilt for mum, Oliver & S Bucket hat for a little girl, teapot trivet and mug rugs for my MIL. Plus making stuff to sell for the Christmas showcase for The Collective Project. Busy time of year but it's all fun!

  10. Haha, the first time I tried that tutorial I failed miserably too! I really should try it again...

  11. Love the fabric prints and colors.. I can see visions of sugarplums dancing in my head with any of it. Oh so many cute projects and oh so little time but there is always after the holiday to catch up! Merry ho ho ho


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