
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

W.I.P. Wednesday - What to do with a jelly roll??

A few months ago, I was lucky enough to receive a lovely parcel in the mail from none other than Kate Spain herself!  I was rewarded with such loot after being involved in the Kate Spain Blog Hop hosted by Alyce @ Blossom Heart Quilts.  Apart from the fact it had Kate's actual address on the parcel and then a lovely hand written note inside, I was very excited to find it contained a Honey Honey jelly roll as well as a charm pack of Sunnyside.  After thanking Kate profusely by every means of social media I could, I put the loot away safely for when I found something lovely to do with it.

Fast forward to last Wednesday night when I was talking to the husband about Christmas presents.  I had a bit of a light bulb moment and said "If I get time, I'll make a throw quilt for _______ ". (Keeping that bit anonymous for obvious reasons!).

Thursday night, Andrew arrived home from work to a started quilt top - and promptly laughed himself silly.  "If you have time" he says……

By Friday afternoon, I sent him a photo of this…...

Honey Honey Jelly Roll Quilt Top

The Honey Honey jelly roll in all its glory!

I knew I wanted to use it for this project, but had no idea what sort of a pattern to use?  So I googled and Pinteresteddddddd until my eyes were falling out of my head.  I then decided to just go with the flow (sound familiar?) and basically ended up with this!

Andrew chose the green for the background, but I added a 1" white border around the blocks before adding the green sashing - SOOOOO glad I did!  I think it make the blocks sing :)

So.  Another Christmas present almost ticked off my non-existent list of things to do.

I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced - You can too!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. just gorgeous. Love the narrow white border. The simple design allows the fabric to show up nicely.

  2. I think the white border was perfect for these! Well done on tackling that Christmas list!

  3. It's pretty. I would just change direction on some blocks to add more interest.

  4. I quite like Jelly rolls and I like what you did with this one! The white border is lovely with that green.

  5. The white border was a great choice! Wonderful use of a jelly roll!

  6. Lovely! And I agree the white gives it a nice crisp look.

  7. Love this. It would be great way to use up some wof scraps

  8. OK...I love this flimsy! What a great choice for the sashing/borders. You are right about the white. What a wonderful gift...lucky recipient!

  9. Those blocks certainly do sing!!! Love it!

  10. Looks lovely - very fresh and summery

  11. So beautiful. Such lovely fabric

  12. Lovely work, Midge! Glad to see you enjoying the fabrics and creating such a beauty ... and to give to someone for Christmas (nice!). All the best to you and your family!

    1. Thanks Kate! I'm half way through quilting it, and very tempted to keep it! xx


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