
Friday, November 8, 2013

T.G.I.F.F. - Catching Up on Bee Blocks & Stuff!

I spent most of Wednesday catching up on my bee blocks!  I felt like I was starting to drown in them, so knocked them all out…..

For you @Luellabella the bloody door is wrong side out! Only noticed at the end  #paperpieced #wombatstew

Our Queen Bee for Wombat Stew last month was Lara.  She is going to have THE most gorgeous Houses quilt EVER!  Now, take away the fact that the door fabric is wrong way, ummmm, this block is perfect!  I will be sending some of the fabric for Lara to hopefully just appliqué on the top.  I only noticed at the end - DOH!

And number 3 #beeblock done! #paperpieced for @luellabella

And the second little house.  I love fussy cutting in paper pieced blocks!

Second #beeblock for the day!

Then it was on to my QCA Bee blocks.  Alex is November's bee and she requested a Bento Box block in low volume fabrics.  First time making one of these blocks, and I really like it!

Getting #beeblocks done today. First one done ✔️

And Kathryn was October's queen, and asked for a Mondrian block - but with very little direction.  We basically made up the design and measurements ourselves, and were told to use whatever solid colours we had. Would you believe I do not really have that many solid colours in my stash??  I was pleasantly surprised with how this turned out, and I shall look forward to the end quilt top with everyone's different colours thrown in!

Size 5 Cocoon playsuit

I also whipped up a few playsuits.  The Strawberry one was an order - and I always think when cutting out one order, I might as well make a few - production line style!  The Butterflies & LRRH playsuits are for sale on my FB Page.

Size 3 custom order Strawberries

Size 2 Little Red playsuit ♥️

Some personalised Santa sacks a friend ordered last night.... Think I might have to make new ones for my kids!

And last but not least, I got started on some Santa sacks for an upcoming school market night I'm having a stall at.  I don't do markets these days, so thought I'd get some functional and reasonably priced goodies together for sale.  Well, I did some 'market research' on my personal fb page, and next thing I know, I'd sold six of them!  So, another trip to Spotlight yesterday for more fabric to make the market sacks!

A very productive week!

I'm linking up with T.G.I.F.F. being hosted by Quokka Quilts (Go check out her awesome finish!!) - You can too!


  1. Great looking in the windows of your house blocks. And the Christmas sacks are great too.

  2. Cuteness overload :-) Well done!


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