
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 - The Year That Was....

In one word - exhausting.

If I were to look back at 2013, I would tell you that I got through it.  I landed on my feet - opposed to curling up in a ball.  So I guess I would call it a success?

On the creative side of life, it couldn't have been a better year!  I finished my 20th quilt for the year last weekend, and happily handed it over to my husband's cousin, for the new little man in her life - baby Archie.  And I have to say - the satisfaction that I receive when I've finished a quilt and am able to gift it to someone is unbelievably wonderful!  It adds to the enjoyment of the making.
Quilts 2013

Quilts 2013
I somehow managed to make the ever popular Swoon quilt too..... Which to my utter astonishment has had over 7500 view on Flickr after being picked up by Explore!  It seems people like a random photo with a cat!
Swoon finished!

I took my paper-piecing addiction to an all new high, by making this fairytales wall hanging....

Fairytale Wall Hanging - Paper Pieced

I've made a gazillion cushions this year.  Plenty for gifts and plenty for a consignment that headed over to a homewares shop in Bali.  Happy to say they all sold!
Cushions 2013
There's been Bee Blocks.....
Blocks 2013
And assorted other projects....

Assorted projects 2013
And amongst all of the quilty things I've made for myself and others - I've made plenty of little people's clothing for customers (and my kids!).....

Garments 2013
I think it's fair to say I spent a fair bit of my year behind my Bernina.

And on a personal note..... I think I've achieved a hell of a lot....

Achievements 2013

I've watched those four kiddos of mine grow like weeds.  Apparently I now have a man for a son.  My bestest friend moved back to Australia after 15 years in London, and I've been blessed to be a part of her two little girl's lives.  I've won fabric!  I bought a big kick-ass camera and am loving taking photos.  I've made cakes.  Lots of them.  I've spent countless days and nights with close friends.  I've learnt to quilt - properly!  I learnt to paper-piece, and became addicted.  I've bought a shit load of fabric.  I participated in my first ever crafty swap/secret santa.  I participated in my first ever quilt-along.  I went overseas with my husband for the first time.  I hosted my first ever blog hop.  And I survived Christmas!

I've had some pretty shitty times this year also.  I've watched my sister kick an almost 30 year habit and have been by her side to deal with the ramifications.  I've learnt more about mental illness, but feel like I will never, ever understand.  I've watched my teenage son become a man, and helped him through what could have turned out to be an absolute disastrous situation.  I've gotten along with his father - mostly.  I've seen families torn through in-fighting and poor decisions.  And I've been sadly reminded that life is too short for some, and to never, ever take the ones I love for granted.

2014 is shaping up to be a fabulous year.  Today is my tenth wedding anniversary!  In a few week's time, my youngest will be heading off to school, and for the first time in 15 years, I will have no children at home.  I am planning on working less weekends, and working more weekdays.  I am planning on diving in the deep end and pushing forward with some business dreams I have held for far too long.  But most of all - I am planning on continuing to see the great things in life and not focusing on the crappy ones!

So after that long, drawn out recap of this year - I wish you all a wonderful and happy new year!  May it be fun, filled with love and laughter.  I thank you all for coming to visit me here in my happy place, and look forward to sharing my trials and tribulations with you all again in 2014.  And a very special shout out to the wonderful group of friends I have made through quilting.  You have all become such an integral part of my daily life, and I love you dearly.



  1. Wow, you are just amazing Midge!!! Beautiful projects and mosaics; you are a sewing Machine and the energizer bunny all rolled into one! Wishing you a happy 2014 and continued success in all you do!!!

  2. I'm excited to hear more about your business plans! I it when people creativity their business :-) Good luck with your plans. I hope you are shooting for the moon because that's when the best things happen!!

  3. I think I already told you. I love your sense of humor and enjoy seeing what you created. Happy New Year!

  4. Oh Midge! What a successful year for you (even through the struggles it seems you've found an educated success)! I wish you all the joy, love, and happiness in the coming year. It's gonna be a great one!

  5. wow you have achieved a hell of alot! 2013 has been a rough year for me too and Im glad to say farewell. I hope that 2014 is filled with love and happiness for you and yours.

  6. wow i still cant believe how many finished wonderful projects you did this whole year, mine are like nothing when i take a look at yours lol
    wish you a happy new year!

  7. Wow. These are beautiful. You truly have created lots and lots of awesome inspiring things!! I hope 2014 is a good one for you and your family!

  8. You have definitely achieved a hell of a lot! I got tired just looking all all that you have done this past year. You really rock! Hope you have a wonderful year to come. Happy New Year!

  9. I don't think you must ever sleep, Melissa! Twenty quilts and all those other wonderful projects. You have certainly packed a lot into 2013. Wishing you a Happy New Year. Hugs, Christine

  10. what a year! I have really enjoyed following your blog - I love your honesty, your humour and your quilts are stunning. Hope 2014 is a great year for you!

  11. such a productive year. All the best for 2014.

  12. Where do you get the energy?! You have sewed so much, with all that family stuff going on, and you work too! So love the Aussie term "shit load". I bought that much fabric too.


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