
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year - New W.I.P's!

Happy New Year!  I hope you spent it with family and friends wherever you were!  We braved the trains and crowds, and headed in to the city for the early fireworks - and it was well worth it! 

Braved the Belgrave train line and ventured in for the family fireworks. Currently listening to The Black Sorrows in the sunshine! #happynewyear 

'Twas a bit sunny at first!

Kids everywhere.... Rolling down the slopes outside the mcg! 

The gathering was held on the grounds outside the MCG - perfect slopes for child rolling!

Happy new year again for those on the other side of the world! 

And the wait for the toilet line was far longer than the ten minutes of fireworks!  But it was fantastic!  Our three youngest kids really hadn't seen anything like it before - we are so glad we took them!

Now - on to quilty things….  What is a new year without new projects?  Nothing.  Well ok, life would still be alright, but you know…..

I asked you all a few weeks ago which direction I should take with my next quilt?  Which fabric collection should I go with?  Well, it was decided by both the majority of you and myself to go with Waterfront Park.  BUT - I then spent a ridiculous amount of time trawling Pinterest and Google for design ideas.  And was getting incredibly frustrated.  So I took a break from it all the other day, and in my desperation for something to sew, I pulled out my Fat Quarter Shop Designer block of the month packs.  I signed up at the start of 2013, and have received six or seven deliveries now, but was a little underwhelmed by the first month's block.  So the little packs have been put on the shelf each month…..  Until a few days ago.

What to do when you can't decide on a pattern for your next quilt? Take out your @fatquartershop #mysterybom you have neglected! I love this one designs by @croskelley and @Bon niecottonway 

I pulled out the one designed by Camille Roskelley and Bonnie Cottonway.  Love it!

May as we'll keep going! @fatquartershop #mysterybom block by @katespain 

So then I grabbed the next one designed by Kate Spain.  No words required.  But in Kate's words, who saw this on my IG - "whirly swirly awesomeness!"  I concur.

Anyway…….it lit the fire to get my Waterfront Park quilt started, so I headed back upstairs to the computer and googled for another hour or so.  And found THIS.  I'd been debating between star or cross blocks - this combines both!  BINGO!  I ran straight downstairs and starting chopping!

All those random blocks today lead me to this..... I found my design for my #waterfrontpark bundle! Yay! 

And this was the first block I fell in love with!  LOVE!

They're multiplying! #onamission

So they very quickly began to multiply…….  And today, I have cut out another seven blocks.  They are only 10" blocks, so it could do my head in by the end, but hey - when you love something……

So there you go!  My first project/s for 2014…….  

I'm linking up (if Lee is hosting!) to W.I.P. Wednesday - You can too!


  1. I love the star crossed block! It looks great in Waterfront Park. I picked this block for my month as Queen in my bee for November. I'm still waiting for the few last blocks to come in, and I can't wait to put my own quilt together with these blocks!! Can't wait to see how you put it together and quilt it; might have to steal some ideas ;)

    1. I think i know what you mean about the no reply blogger thing, but that's a Blogger platform issue and isn't anything I can change as a user of a non-Blogger blog. Blogger does not ask for emails when you comment with another website address (it just asks me for my Wordpress username and connects to my blog if I am logged in (or tells me to log into Wordpress if I am not to verify it is me). This post kind of explains it! : :)

    2. Sorry, this was the link I meant to post :

  2. The blocks you have made are great! Its amazing once we find that project that clicks with us just how quickly it consumes us. I have no doubt you are having fun.

  3. That is cool combo of pattern and fabrics. It was worth the wait.

  4. Wow! love the Waterfront park blocks! I've got a bundle on order, can't wait to cut into them.


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