
Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 13 - Cushion for Christmas Blog Hop!

Today is our last - but certainly not least - guest blogger in the blog hop!  Now, I LOVE all my bloggy friends who have helped bring you this hop BUT I have to say - I have a bit of a quilt crush on today's host - the fantabulous Quilt Jane!  There is nothing I don't like that Jane has produced, so when she responded to my request with a "yes" I was jumping for joy!  So thanks Jane! xx  Head on over HERE and see her wonderful interchangeable cushion covers - genius!

Cushion for Christmas Blog Hop

Now be sure to come back here tomorrow - as I will be opening up the Linky Party so you can all join up and show us your cushions for Christmas!  If you have somehow missed my blog posts for the past two weeks and are wondering what all the hoopla is about - head over HERE to my original blog post to get the goss…...

In other breaking news…… I managed to get 12 zippered pouches made up yesterday!  So I dare say I am done with the teachers gifts as well as some to sell!

The Elephants and Unicorns are big enough to be iPad covers!

I "only" have about half a dozen more projects to finish before Christmas….  How are you travelling?

I'm linking up with T.G.I.F.F. over at Quilt Matters - You can too!


  1. oh my goodness I absolutely love those elephants :-) And Jane's pillow is gorgeous too!

  2. So adorable! Lucky teachers! That pillow Jane made is fabulous!

  3. I was like: where are the elephants? Yeah, I should get some coffee :-) Well done Midge!

  4. Jane's cushion is lovely. Great job getting all those pouches made Melissa. I have now finished my Christmas sewing and today hope to prep some Christmas stitcheries for next year!

  5. Woa so many pouches. Totally motivates me to get more sewing done today :)


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment - I read each and every one of them! xx