
Saturday, December 14, 2013

It's A Wrap - Cushion For Christmas Blog Hop!

It's Day 14 of the Cushion for Christmas Blog Hop!  Which, sadly, means it's come to an end!  But on a very happy note - means you now get to…. SHOW ME YOUR CUSHIONS!!

But first, let's re-cap all the fabulous and inspirational bloggers who have shared their talents with you and I…..

There have also been some wonderful creations added to the FLICKR GROUP.  You don't have to have a blog to link up here - anywhere that your photos are hosted - and they have a URL - you can link them up!  If you don't have your photos hosted anywhere on the internet, then feel free to email me and I will add them for you.  Basically, I just want to see what you've created - any which way!

On to the prizes……

Patterns Only - $20 Voucher

The Oz Material Girls - $20 Voucher

Fat Quarter Shop - $50 Voucher!

Polka Dot Tea - Fabric Bundle!

Intrepid Thread - $25 Voucher!

Blossom Heart Quilts - Ornamental Quilt Pattern!

Quiet Play - Winner's choice of 3 Paper Piecing Patterns!

One GRAND winner will be chosen by me - based on creativity and technique/skills.  The remainder of the prizes will be awarded randomly!

The link will be open from right now until 10am Wednesday 18th of December (EST Aust).  Winners will be announced 8pm Wednesday 18th of December (EST Aust).

So you have the next few days to get any cushions started and/or finished and linked up!  Go on…..what are you waiting for?


  1. It's been a very fun blog hop! Thanks for hosting and sharing lots of fabulous inspiration!

  2. Such wonderful series! I cannot pick my favorite, they were all beautiful and I really enjoyed reading all of the blog stops.

  3. Love that green trees one in the link up! How cool!

  4. I made a pillow, and gifted it. I took a photo, but just realized it is a bit blurry. I'll see if I can get a new one and link up before time runs out. Thanks for the pillow blog hop! I've really enjoyed seeing what everyone created.

    1. I linked my slightly blurry photo. Thank you for the encouragement!

  5. Thanks for organising and hosting such a terrific hop. It's been fun to see everyone's different cushions. Lots of inspiration out there! :)

  6. A wonderful hop with such wonderful ideas. And some new-to-me techniques. Thanks so much.

  7. Thank you for sharing your binding tut. Love it!

  8. Thanks for the hop. Love to see what everyone's been up to.

  9. thanks for a fab blog hop, i've really enjoyed it

  10. such a great blog hop - thanks so much for organising. I think making cushions is my favourite thing now - although they still take me a long time!!

  11. Lots of great inspiration here! I don't know if I'll get mine done for the linky, I still have to quilt it, but I can tell you my niece will be happy on Christmas!

  12. Such a great way to finish the year! and nice to see some of my favourite bloggers are up there too.

  13. I made a pillow for a Christmas gift but I made it right at the start of the month, am I allowed to link that in or does it need to be made more recently? Thanks :)

    1. Ignore me, I'd not seen the earlier posts. Wake up brain! I'll link it up now :)

  14. so many wonderful cushions, thanks for this blog hop, joined the fun too

  15. I am really new to this, I hope that the way I posted it is ok.


Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment - I read each and every one of them! xx