
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Stash - Spotlight on Spotlight

I try very hard not to get sucked in to sales.  Ok, that's a stretch.  I try very hard not to get too much when I get sucked in to sales.

Exhibit A:    I saw in a Facebook sewing group early last week that Spotlight would be having a $1 Fat Flat (FQ) sale later in the week.  I stuck my fingers in my ears and sung "Lalalalalalalalla".  Two days later I found myself parked outside my local Spotlight and thought I best not waste the opportunity.  The picture below is what happened next.  I was a little disappointed in their lack of variety - both in the $1 FF's and the clearance quilting cotton that was all reduced to $4 a metre.  But I took home these pretties anyway......

Just made a little trip to spotlight.... $1 fat flats. And $4 clearance quilting fabric. Oh and trying a new different type of interfacing.....

Exhibit B:  I was pretty happy with Thursday's purchases.  But then I kept seeing everyone else's purchases on before mentioned FB group, and I started to question my happiness.  Why did my local Spotlight have such a shallow pool of FF's??  So like any other sane human being, I dropped the children to school Friday morning and drove half an hour to my favourite Spotlight in Fountain Gate (Yes, home to Kath & Kim).  I grabbed myself the biggest shopping basket I could find and wandered down to the quilting section, only to find there were no big yellow signs advertising the $1 specials.  Hmmmmmm.  After a few seconds of hyperventilation, I strolled almost jogged to the staff members and enquired where said signs were?  ****** crickets ******   Their blank expressions and looks of confusion told me they were unaware of the madness that had struck fabric hoarders nationally.  So I educated them.  I declared that what was shared in FB sewing groups was almost always correct, and they must scan a FF immediately to set the story straight.  So they did.  And their blank expressions were taken over by their very rapid steps to the quilting section, where they selected quite a number of items for themselves before they let the cat out of the bag to their customers.  Love. Their. Priorities.

I may or may not have just driven to a spotlight further away to see if they had a better $1 fat flat selection...... Ummmmm...... Yep! The staff were unaware of the special until I told them, and after scanning them went and stocked up for themselves! #w

And once I got them out of my way, I selected mine!  Aren't they boooootiful!?!?!?  I may or may not have a slight addiction to chevron.  Meh.

They had a better clearance section too...... $4 a metre!!!

I also made myself known to the clearance section, and lightened their load a little.  $4 a metre people!?!?!?  That divine British newspaper print is for a very special quilt back in my near future!

Now let it be known - I am not a bargain hog - whilst on hoarding duties shopping, I shared the not advertised in the store special with each and every person browsing in the quilting section.  And watched their elation whilst they filled up their own baskets.  Sharing is caring people.

And that my friends, is it.

I'm linking up - You can too!

Molli Sparkles

** Disclaimer - this is not a sponsored post - although I think Spotlight should swing me some more $1 Fat Flats for my efforts!


  1. I actually think my favorites are from your first stop - the doggies and navy dots. Although the mermaids and elephants are pretty cute too :-). I laughed when I read your "sharing is caring" line...I was known for hollering that one at my brother when we were little, mostly to get my way!!

  2. Jealous you could still find that mermaid print! I bought some of the collection last year and found enough of the blue mermaid print for the backing of a quilt I made with it but they haven't had any since :( is the sale still going? Tempted to go out tomorrow though I really don't have any money; but it's only $1.....

  3. Of course they should offer you some kind of finder's fee for helping increase their sales!

  4. Great selections, Midge! I love that little ruler print up in the top pic. And what a deal - good thing you got it all straightened out ; )

  5. Too Funny! And so nice of you to let them in on their own sale :)

  6. Nice of you to share. Maybe you need to work for them.

  7. Love your fearless ability to set the second store straight and then proceed to get such a great bunch of fabrics, love the chevrons and those elephants!!

  8. what a pretty addition! and story :-) You go girl!

  9. Well done! Way to go! Great fabric too...

  10. So many pieces of quilting goodness! You go girlfriend...don't let them try to pull the quilting cottons over your head.

  11. Thanks for sharing the news on ig too. My spotlight staff have the same priorities, I picked up some Christmas scrapbooking paper very cheap and the lady who served me asked me where I'd found it, then asked her colleague to serve


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