
Saturday, March 29, 2014

T.G.I.F.F. - The Dream Weaver Quilt!

Good Saturday morning to you- or Friday somewhere else in the world!  I had every intention of posting this last night - however footy season is back in full swing, and I got a last minute seat at our first Melbourne game - Go Hawks!

Anyway, on to this week's big finish - my Economy Block Quilt - now to be known as the Dream Weaver Quilt!

Economy Block Quilt 

Isn't she pretty?  I had big dreams of photographing this at the local playground, however, Mother Nature intervened and threw some interesting weather at us!  Having said that - I love that these photos show the size of the quilt, and the little bit of sunlight shining through the windows plays on the amazing colours throughout it!

Economy Block Quilt 

My goodness it was a task to quilt!  So many seams!  I started and unpicked three times before finally deciding to just straight line less than 1/4" from the seams on the square.  I then ummed and ahhed about where to take it from there.......and decided to cross hatch.  It was a decision that almost undid me!  For as straight and well lined up the seams are across ways - the diagonal seams proved to be frustrating at times!  The main reason I persevered was due to the very pretty effect it gave the quilt back, which you can see further down in photos.

Economy Block Quilt 

I used Aurifil thread #2024 white for the main quilted area and on my trip to Aurifil Australia Thursday, I grabbed a new beautiful variegated pink thread #4660.  It's very difficult to photograph, but the shades of pink are just divine.  This basic meandering pattern does the white borders of the quilt a nice subtle justice I think.

Economy Block Quilt 

A few of my favourite blocks!  You can find my tutorial for these 9" blocks HERE.

Economy Block Quilt 

For the backing, I chose some vintage embroidered cotton, which feels like a poplin to me.  I was worried the embroidered flowers would give me trouble through the quilting process, but it was a breeze!  And it's like having two pretty quilts in one!

Economy Block Quilt

Sigh.  So pretty.

This one of a kind beauty will be up for sale later this afternoon and will be listed on my Facebook page.  I am more than happy to accept Lay-by terms for purchase upon enquiry.

I'm linking up - You can too!


  1. It looks so pretty and sweet! Great colours and fabrics and the backing fabric is gorgeous!

    When I quilted my economy block quilt, I was stumped on how to quilt it too. Busy quilting didn't seem right, but then I think I didn't end up doing enough!

  2. Looks lovely. Pretty pics on the bed.

  3. It is so pretty! I love the economy blocks, even though I haven't made any yet. The backing is beautiful too. Thanks for linking to TGIFF.

  4. I love the totally girly prettiness of this quilt.

  5. Such a pretty girly quilt Midge. I love the colours. I made one of the same design last year in pinks, reds and aquas for my cousins baby. What a shame to sell yours. My daughter would have claimed it for herself before I listed it!


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