
Saturday, May 17, 2014

{Coming Soon} The Modern Medallion Quilt Along!

The lovely Crystal over at Two Little Aussie Birds is releasing her Modern Medallion pattern very soon!  And to celebrate, she is holding a quilt along in June.  I'm very excited to be a part of the quilt along and will be one of the co-hosts.

Modern Medallion button

If you want to see more beautiful photos of Crystal's finished quilt, you can pop over to her blog and drool!  And then put your thinking hat on and work out which fabrics you will use on yours! ;)

I will be sure to have ALL THE FINER DETAILS for you very soon.  Stay tuned!


  1. Oh exciting! I might just have to sit back and watch (with green envy) this one though. I'm swamped! Hmm maybe wait and see what kind of schedule you set first - see, I'm twisting my own arm!


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