
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

W.I.P. Wednesday - Working It Out

If you've visited here the last couple of Wednesdays, you would know my Wavelength quilt top has been a rather big project.  I bought all the fabric for the backing before the top was finished, but then when it came to put it together, I stalled.  Well, yesterday I got my s*it together and had it sorted.....

Wavelength Backing

And whilst I was motivated, I got this baby basted.

Basting Wavelength

As you can see, it's freakin huge!  Our dining table fits four chairs on either if you do the math.......

I'm still completely befuddled about how to quilt it.  So it's all pin basted and rolled up in a log, and is currently living on top of the lounge in the back room.  I'm going to have to psych myself up both mentally and physically for the quilting challenge ahead.  I'm quietly contemplating sending it to a long armer....but am strapped for cash.  We'll see........

If you haven't seen this earlier, I'm hosting The Kate Spain Aussie Charm Swap!  It kicked off yesterday, and I'm happy to say I've already had 38 fabric lovers sign up!  Soooo - 18 spots left for the taking!  Head over HERE for all the details and feel free to share with all your Aussie/Kiwi friends!

Ms Midge

I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced - You can too!


  1. Im not sure if you read what I wrote on instagram, but you could outline the patterned fabric, or a bit more work would be, stitch all in the ditch, and fill the white background with pebbles
    but I love it anyway lol

  2. I've loved watching this come together on Instagram. I have no clue on how you would quilt it - if it was me I'd send it off to my trusty quilter and get her to do all the hard thinking for me. It's really lovely and I can't wait to see it quilted.

    Found via Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesday.

  3. Such an eye-catching pattern in beautiful colors? Straight line is good when all the seams are straight...which they usually aren't for me...troll around Pinterest or go to ginabeans for inspiration!

  4. I say do it yourself! It is just beautiful and I I can not wait to see it all done no matter what you decide!

    Stopping by from Lee's hop

  5. Wow! This is going to be absolutely stunning no matter how you quilt it!!! I would totally just stitch in the ditch if it was me because FMQ something that big scared the crap out of me. :)

  6. gorgeous quilt Midge!! Quilting is my nemesis but i would probably try something "wave lengthy" to go along with the theme of the quilt. you are a quilting rock star so i am sure you will come up with something fabulous!!!!

  7. I am so totally in love with this quilt! Love that back. You can do go girlfriend.

  8. What an amazing quilt top! Loving the colours. Would you consider stitching in the ditch then echo quilting the white background? Cant wait to see what you decide!


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