
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Kate Spain Charm-Along - How U Doin???

It's been a whole week since the Kate Spain Charm-Along was launched!  Can you even believe?  I's been a week of pain in terms of not being able to get all the sewing I wanted to get done because of Ms Bernina's hissy fit.  I picked her up Thursday afternoon, got a few hours sewing done and then BAMM, she laid down again started snapping threads again!

Moving right along.....

My fellow charm-along'ers are doing a fabulous job with their charm squares!  So I thought I best whet your appetites.....

Riddle and {Whimsy} Spanish Chains top vertical

Jo from Riddle & Whimsy has well and truly put the foot down and FINISHED her quilt!  What???  How divine is it?

Keera from Live Love Sew has also been busy, with her quilt top complete.  I love all the white against the prints!  Keera has a tutorial coming for this very design.  Nice!

Jenny Doyle is one of the Aussie Charm Swappers, and I am loving her use of the Drunkard's Path blocks.

Luisa is another swapper and is doing a superb job with these twister blocks!  Imagine all the cutting!

And Tina - yep, my swappers are on fire - has made a few items, including this beautiful cushion cover.

And last but certainly not least - Quilt Jane has done it again!  I have a serious quilt crush on everything Jane does, and this one is no exception!  Swoon!

I'm so utterly impressed with everyone's enthusiasm!  If this is the first you've heard of the Charm-along, then you best go READ THIS POST for full details!  There are SEVEN amazing prizes up for grabs from wonderful Australian sponsors AND Kate herself!  Go!

Ms Midge

So - are your charming along with us?  How are you going?  Tell me!


  1. I have my fabric and my pattern all ready I just need to get going. I have two other quick things ahead of it though. I hope I can get it all done! I love what everyone else has been doing.

  2. Some great quilts there. People are so creative In what they imagine to do with all the same fabrics, turning out to be completely different quilts, but equally lovely.


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