
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday Stash & Dash - Guilty Pleasures & Other Stuff....

I received a divine parcel of fabric last week, that shall now be known as "the last big parcel of fabric to arrive for quite some time".  You see, I just happened to book myself a ticket to TOKYO a couple of weeks ago!?!?!?!?!  Yes, you read correctly - I'm going to Tokyo!  This time last year I made a deal with my husband - come tax time 2014 he could get a new fancy television and I was going to Tokyo.  He agreed.....

  One of my dearest BFF's has lived over there for around 20 years now, and I've never been to visit her.  Plus, I just happen to have a God-daughter there too now, so it just had to be done.  Partner that with doing my taxes last night - which meant I had to add up all the receipts for the past 12 months, and well, I sort of had a mini heart attack at how much money I had spent on fabric.  Yes, being that I am a small business, I can claim it all as business costs, but who am I kidding?  Lots of that fabric is also a habit.....

Sooooo, in order for me to put in some serious holidaying (BY MY FREAKIN SELF!!!!) and fabric purchasing in Tokyo, I'm going to try incredibly hard not to buy big bundles of fabric for the next few months.  I leave for Japan on the 9th of October......

Anyways, back to the pretty pictures.... The following bundles were from Pink Castle Fabrics.  


Fat 16th Low Volume bundle.


Re-stocking my Word Up bundle....


A gorgeous bundle of colour for a custom quilt order boy's quilt.  Yum.


A little yardage of B & C and a yard of Waterfront Park to bind the quilt I am yet to finish!

Also arriving was this little bundle of love which I bought from Penny Poppleton, who kept them aside for me in her #greataussiedestash on IG.  Thanks Penny!!


Tsuru and Koi.  Now - if anyone else out there has some more Tsuru they would like to re-home, please let me know!  I would like to make a whole quilt from it!

Ok, bed is calling - School's back tomorrow!!!  Yeeeee-hawwwwwwwww!!!!!

I'm linking up - You can too!

Molli Sparkles


  1. I love the Pink Castle bundles - the stash builder series are fabulous.

  2. I have those top two PC bundles - love!! Aren't the little chicks adorable?

  3. Okay, that word up fabric is fabulous! I have to get some for my stash. Enjoy your trip!

  4. Wow! Is it okay that I'm an eensy weensy bit jealous? ;o) (Of the fabric of course and your reward for doing taxes... ) You are too clever! I may have to borrow that idea and make a similar deal with my hubby as I'm wading through our own business taxes at the moment - I think a bigger reward would be much more motivating. ;o)

    Enjoy those pretty stash additions and I hope you have a wonderful trip!

  5. Have fun on your trip! and that is the reason I don't keep receipts, lol. I keep missing that Word Up bundle, I would love it, the Low Volume one looks nice too.

  6. Oh, wow! You've got all sorts of lovelies here! I'm especially jealous of that Tsuru! And Tokyo! Eep! Such an awesome place. Have fun!

  7. How exciting! You got some lovely new fabrics. Hopefully they'll keep you going until October!

  8. Just ordered myself some low volumes for my stash too can't wait to get them. I love the text fabric too.

  9. Congrats on Tokyo! But that new fabric is pretty freakin' awesome!

  10. I love that low volume bundle. Have a great time in Tokyo. It sounds like a trip that was way overdue! :-)

  11. The Low Volume and Word Up Bundle - be still my heart!

  12. Hey! noice work! better pack plenty of vacc bags! You are taking 2 cases? aren't you? Reject shop has a 2 pack for 3.00, Large zip lock bags work too!!! D

  13. I hope you're gonna see Alyce? Lock Tomato in!

  14. Ooohh.... look at all those low volume prints! And text print. Yummo!


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