
Friday, September 19, 2014

Bonnie & Camille Aussie Charm Swap - It's A Wrap!

Well thank God it's finished Friday!  Here's a little eye candy for you!  The B & C Aussie Charm Swap has been completed, with all 55 bundles of yumminess sent on their way this week.  There are some very patient (and impatient!) ladies waiting around Australia and New Zealand for their new babies to arrive!

All in all, we ended up with 110 different B & C prints  - and they all look stunning together.

I'm pretty sure we covered all of the B & C fabrics lines, with a bit of everything!

A couple of my favourites - the raindrops and scallops.  I really cannot wait to put them all to good use - even though I am still yet to decide how!

In the coming week, I will be announcing the next Charm-along, with a few fabulous prizes to be shared amongst participants.  So if you have a bunch of B & C charms on your shelves, think of how you can put them together, and join in the fun!

In the meantime, I will be sleeping......

I'm linking up - You can too!


  1. It's amazing the range we have. Thank you Melissa for organising this, I know we can be a little trying with our impatience! My brain is ticking over constantly, thinking or what I can make.

  2. Sounds like it was a really busy time! Lovely charms!

  3. Very pretty! It will be fin to see what gets created from those pretties.


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