
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunday Stash - New Stuff

Some of you may remember the very recent Homespun-gate, which lead to my Bernina's meltdown?  Well, since then I have been investigating my options for good solid solids.  I've asked in a couple of my favourite FB groups, and have been given a range of leads, from Bella to Kona; Art Gallery to Michael Miller.  The majority of those beauties retail in Australia, on average, for around $14 per metre.  Now, given I have been used to using solids that cost around $7 per metre, I just about spat my peppermint tea out when doing such research!  I know, I know - quality blah blah blah.  But my dollar is very important to me, and I like to see it spent wisely.

Sooooo, a while back, my lovely friend Louise from The Oz Material Girls, sent me a sample pack of their quilter's solids.  I took this little pack out again a couple of weeks ago, midst research, and gave them a good looking over, as well as a good feel.  And then decided to jump in and order myself some.  I was able to take out the fat quarter pack of Nightshade I was using for a project, and hold the little sample squares up to them and figure out which colours I required.....

Just received a big bundle of new quilting cotton solids from @theozmaterialgirls great service as I only order yesterday mid afternoon and they express posted for me! I'm going to attempt to use my #nightshade this weekend....

The following day, these lovelies arrived (Yes, Louise even express posts if you ask her nicely).  And I have to say, they are beautiful.  And only $9 per metre.  I made up my quilt top over the following couple of days, and was REALLY happy with how lovely they are to work with.  I could just become a convert.  If you want to try them out, you'll find them HERE.

P.s. - This is NOT a sponsored post.  I just like to tell you when I find something I like.

Another new addition to the stash......

I love fabric deliveries from my #tokyobff her kids need new kindy bags and some frozen fabric for my chloe

Was this little bundle of brightness.  Straight from Tokyo via the Tokyo BFF.  The Japanese characters you saw in a little bag last week.  And the Disney Frozen prints were sent "just because".  So I've whipped up a couple of cute simple little skirts - one for my daughter, and one for my God-daughter in Tokyo.  I have some decent sized off cuts, so am thinking I'll make up a few zippered pouches or messenger bags for gifts and/or to sell.

And last, but certainly not least.....

Thank you thank you thank you!!! @alexveronelli #aurifil #ineedathreadstand

This amazing parcel of Aurifil goodness arrived this week! I know, I know, Aurifil is not new around these digs, but some of the products in this parcel are!  You see, the lovely Alex Veronelli asked a favour of me on IG a couple of weeks ago - to see how many bobbins it takes to empty a 50wt spool of thread?  I quite happily obliged, and he very generously sent me all of this in return!

Now, admittedly, I have only ever used 40 & 50wt thread, because you know I'm no hand sewing fiend!  But these lovely little wooden spools of Floss almost make me want to!  The Lana wool thread is amazing but I need to do some more research on how to use them and well, the 28wt cotton spools will be fabulous to quilt with!  If you have any knowledge and/or advice to share with me - feel free to spill!

I hope you are all noticing an absence of new designer bundles entering my stash of late?  I finally put a stop to my purchasing in anticipation of Tokyober.  What's that I hear you say?  Well, in less than three weeks, I'll be off on my Tokyo journey.  At which time, I shall more than make up for my lack of fabric buying at present......

I'm linking up - You can too!

Molli Sparkles


  1. Thankyou very much for your recommendation, I will be giving those solids a go too..... got to stretch that fabric dollar as far as we can!

  2. Ive become a massive fan of Michael Millers Cotton Couture, think it would be hard to budge on it :)

  3. Alex is great! Glad you found some nice solids for a reasonable price and I can't wait to see your haul from Tokyo!

  4. I'm glad you found some great new solids to use. I've not been happy with one particular brand lately and have for the most part decided to not buy it any more. There are bunches of other great options available instead, thank goodness.

  5. I've been using Moda solids for the most part but have been wanting to change. I'm torn between Kona and Art Gallery. Kona because there are so many colours and it seems to be stocked pretty much everywhere, but Art Gallery feels sooooo nice. I don't use solids too much though and I still have Moda ones about, so I still have time to decide!

    I have some 28wt spools that I've quilted with and have kept 50wt in the bobbin with them and they've worked just fine. I love how they give a kind of handquilted look!

  6. Ooh! I want to see more Nightshade piecing! I'm excited to see what you do with the 28 wt.


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