
Thursday, July 29, 2010

To be Grateful - Day eleven...

Keeping it short and sweet tonight, because quite frankly - I'm exhausted. So straight in to it:

1. I am grateful that my little (well, not so little) brother came over tonight so I could go to my first Zumba class. For those of you who don't know what Zumba is, it's an extremely up-beat work out, with a mix of dance and aerobic moves. Lots of shaking your bon-bon (Thanks Ricky Martin) and moving those hips! Best workout, and laugh I have had in ages.

2. I am grateful that I have the most wonderful, amazingly supportive and loving husband in the world. Even when he is not here, he has a way of encouraging me and wrapping his arms around me with his words. He never bats an eyelid when I lose my cool and am frustrated with the world - he just makes everything ok.

3. I am grateful to the person who invented asthma medication. Whilst Cadyn is having a cough right now in bed, it reminds me of all the sleepless nights we had earlier this year before he was diagnosed with asthma. I cannot believe how much of a difference these drugs have made and am thankful to modern medicine.

And that, my friends, is all I have to offer this evening. I hope wherever you are, that you have a truly wonderful day!

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