
Friday, July 30, 2010

To be Grateful - Day twelve...

So many things to be grateful for today! I really don't even know where to begin.....but I will:

1. I was super grateful to see my beautiful husband's face this evening as he arrived home from his interstate work trip. Hearing the squeels of "Daddy!" as he walked through the house alerted me to his presence, and I wanted to squeel too!

2. I am grateful for the 90 minutes of complete silence at my work place today. The only sound to be heard was the dull humming of the clothes dryer and the click of a keyboard. It gave me time to just breath and actually focus on what I was doing. This is a rarity these days...

3. I am grateful I made the decision to take the day off work tomorrow. This past week has been very stressful and at times I have felt like I was slowly sinking. So I have chosen to be pro-active and fill my shift and spend the whole weekend (gasp) at home with Andrew and the kids. Life is too short to be spent working every weekend!

And on that note, I have a quote for today - "Sometimes people don't know what they don't know". A very smart woman told me this little beauty a couple of weeks ago and it actually made me stop and think. This lovely lady said it was good to see I understood what she had said, because often when telling the same thing to people, she just got blank faces with big old question marks! But just think about really is quite perceptive...

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