
Saturday, July 31, 2010

To be Grateful - Day thirteen...

I have had such a busy and productive day! All starting with an early wake up call, otherwise known as Chloe. Managed to get to a friend's garage sale before 9am, drop in and see my Mum, run in to the cake decorating shop, pick up some groceries and bake a birthday cake all prior to midday! Post lunch time, caramel slice was whipped up, along with some choc orange cupcakes. Quick trip down to the football field to watch Cadyn in his auskick (AFL little league) debut, run in to the el-cheapo shop for wrapping paper, cook dinner and decorate fore-mentioned birthday cake. So I am now sitting down and relaxing for an hour or so before I collapse in to bed. It's my baby girl's birthday party tomorrow - and mock birthday. You see, her birthday isn't actually until the 5th of August, but that is the day Lochie and I fly interstate, so we are bringing the festivities forward a few days - we figure she won't know!

Amongst all of today's activities, I am pleased to say I have still taken the time to be grateful:

1. I am grateful I got to also spend half an hour out in my garden. We have had so much cold and wet weather this Winter, that my gardens have been completely neglected. This morning I got my hands dirty and managed to weed my entire front garden. It felt very good indeed.

2. I am grateful that my kids are grateful. The garage sale I went to this morning was full of fabulous children's toys, games and books. I picked up a pile of books for Chelsea and two great trucks for Cadyn. They both absolutely adored them and spent their day reading and playing. It didn't matter to them that the surprises I had brought home were second hand, they really were just happy to receive them.

3. I am grateful that my children get such a kick out of the homemade birthday cakes I make them. They love joining in, helping to make the cakes and then swarming around when it's time to lick the bowl! And when the time comes to decorate the masterpiece, they are always full of praise for my artistic talents! Their birthday cakes may not be shop bought perfect, but they are made with so much joy and love, and makes them so incredibly happy!

It's off to bed for me now. I hope all of you out there thoroughly enjoy your Sunday! Mine will be spent with some of our nearest and dearest to celebrate my baby turning two.....although part of me doesn't want to celebrate - I know she can't be a baby forever!

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