
Sunday, August 1, 2010

To be Grateful - Day Fourteen...

Another HUGE day here in our household! I spent a beautiful day celebrating my baby girl turning TWO! She is such a delightful little soul, and was slightly confused at all the attention being poured on her from the moment she woke up. The celebrations gained momentum before lunch time when about 20 children arrived ready to party! But as soon as it started, it was over and my little girl was pooped and in her bed. Such a lovely day! Having said that, here is my little snipper of gratitude for today:

1. I am grateful that all four of my children had a really great day, and got to spend it surrounded by our family and friends.

2. I am grateful that my ex-husband and I can get along, just enough, to the point where we can actually sometimes have a laugh. There have been so many times over the last ten years where I really didn't believe that could ever happen. But I said to my son only yesterday, that as much as his father and I disagree on a lot of things, the one common goal we have is to bring him up to be a responsible and good adult. And I figure for us to reach that goal, we have to show him some sort of example.

3. I am grateful that a friend who lives in Queensland just told me it is warmer than usual up there at present. Only four more sleeps until we arrive, and I would dearly, dearly love to thaw out just a little whilst up there!

And just quickly.....I have a quote from my sister this evening - "The universe was doing you the favour you wouldn't do for yourself". This is so very true in so many ways. I have had many times in my life where I have been dealt a situation I haven't understood, then in months to follow I work out it really did happen for a reason. And I think her quote explains a lot.

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