
Monday, August 2, 2010

To be Grateful - Day Fifteen...

I'm keeping tonight's entry short and sweet, straight to the point. So here goes:

1. I'm grateful for the new friends that have come in to my life over the last few months. Their kindness and sincerity has been refreshing and is helping me through a really rough time.

2. I'm grateful that my kids love me no matter what. Unconditional love is probably the best thing God ever created. Children don't hold grudges, they don't judge and they forgive. My kids don't hold it against me if I yell and scream at them about the fact they keep leaving their drink bottle lid opened, therefore coming home with a wet school bag every day! And they still kiss me good night even if an hour beforehand I was getting grumpy because they were taking too long to get washed and out of the bath! I am just so very grateful for their patience and love for their Mummy...

3. I am grateful that no matter what my older sister has going on in her life, and believe me, she has her hands full, she still takes the time to listen to what is happening with me. And to make her even more wonderful, she gives me the most amusing and straight forward encouragement a person could ask for. Tells it how it is, and for that, I love her dearly.

I'm glad that I have chosen to take a few minutes each evening to reflect on the day that has passed. It makes me realise that no matter how stressed out and down I may feel, there are always at least three things that have occurred to make me feel grateful. And another thing - I'm grateful to whoever is out there for reading.

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