
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

To be Grateful - Day THIRTY....

Who would of thought? Thirty days. I've made it. When I started this "experiment", I thought it would actually be quite easy. Surely, finding three things each and every day to be TRULY grateful for would be simple? Surely I could fill pages each day with what I am grateful for? be honest - it was a little harder than I had anticipated. Although I really am grateful for everything I have in life, actually taking note on a daily basis was quite intimidating. Sound strange? Well, for me, I didn't want to be grateful for the same things each and every day (not on here anyway!), I wanted to delve a little deeper, sort of analyse my days with a magnifying glass! I hope that I have done so, and have even slightly enlightened your day at some stage....

For my final entry of gratitude:

1. I am grateful I live in a democratic country. I know I have probably bored you at times with my Oprah-isms, but today's episode on North Korea made me appreciate the freedom and rights I have living in Australia. It is abhorent to me that in this day and age, there are millions of people literally being held hostage in their own country. Unable to access any form of communication to the outside world, and denied the basic human rights to choice and freedom. Yet another eye opener...

2. I am grateful for a day spent on the lounge. Chloe had a huge daytime sleep, and given that I wasn't feeling so flash, I took the opportunity to do a whole lot of nothing and thoroughly enjoyed it.

3. I am grateful for the feedback that some of my "invisible followers" have given me on my little blog. Officially, I only have three followers, but some of my anonymous friends have contacted me to let me know they enjoy reading my posts and have encouraged me to continue sharing my thoughts. I have said it before, but this blog is like an open journal for me. A place I can come and give my opinion, share my feelings and really just vent. So I will continue, and although I will not be entering my daily gratitude, I will definately make a point of being grateful each and every day.

This afternoon I finished the little book of verses I quoted last night. So I would like to share another beautiful little gem: "Record your experiences, feelings, frustrations, and desires in a special book. Your journal will become your memory, your truth, and your friend." This is my hope....

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