
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

To be Grateful - Day twenty-nine!

Hooray! I have nearly made it through a month of being grateful! Well, I am grateful every day, I have just never made an effort to be so conscious of it and put it in to words. I realise I have missed a few days here and there, but I can promise you I have been thinking about my gratitude entries each and every day. For instance, today, I was watching yet another episode of "Dr Phil" and thought to myself - "That makes me feel really grateful". So now I shall share why....

1. The episode was about overseas adoption, and the troubles some parents are going through with the trauma these children have been through, and how it is showing in their lives. Watching what these parents, and children, were going through made me feel incredibly grateful for my very happy and healthy children. Sure, we go through some rough patches, but in comparison, my life is perfect.

2. I am grateful that the librarian at my children's school mistook me for another parent this morning! In doing so, I was able to put my hand up to help with the upcoming book fair. I really love helping out at the school, but find it difficult due to having a two year old busy little girl! So it was a lovely little chance conversation, and now I get to contribute to a great fundraiser for the kids.

3. I am grateful I found a little book my Mum gave to me as a gift many years ago. Its title is "Caregiver Therapy", written by Julie Kuebelbeck and Victoria O'Connor. Mum gave it to me because of my occupation, and I don't think I actually ever read it until it dropped on my bedroom floor this evening! Lots of lovely little verses centred around being a caregiver, and how to make life for yourself and those you care for just that little bit more meaningful. I shall share one I ready tonight and found so very true:

"Sometimes helping others means allowing them to give. A homemade card, a smile, a heartfelt "thank you" are gifts to be treasured. Graciously accept what others have to offer." We should not measure a person's worthiness by what we are receiving from them.

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