
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

W.I.P. Wednesday #16 - Patience is A Virtue?

Last week I showed you my Bloom Bloom Pow cutting all finished.  It was hard to wait until Friday for the next lot of instructions, but once they were up - I headed straight for the machine!  This quilt along is fabulous, even more so because I have absolutely no idea what I am doing!  I have literally just had to follow the instructions by Lee and cross my fingers.  Another great part of it is the Flickr group, where you get feedback about your progress - including Lee's!  Good to know I'm doing it correctly.....

First two blooms done! #bloombloompow @freshlypieced so quick and easy so far!
These were my first two blocks.  It's hard to imagine, but each block gets cut in to triangles and makes up a bloom.  Strange yes?
#bloombloompow blooms finished piecing! Can't wait for next weeks instructions! @freshlypieced
And after a few hours sewing, this is what all the blooms look like put together!  I seriously could not be any happier with my final fabric selection!
Sooooo pretty #bloombloompow
Up close and personal.  Aren't they divine?  I've chosen to make the cot size, however, I'm planning to use the finished quilt top as a bit of a centrepiece, and work outwards to make it single bed size.  My eldest daughter "only" has a rag quilt made by me - so I am hoping to make this work as her "real" quilt.
And chevrons to finish off the day!
And this is my other piece to show and tell this week.  It's a big old row of chevrons, to soon be attached to my fly by the seat of my pants quilt. I think I've worked out what I want to do with this quilt.  I want to make it rectangular.  This could be wrong, but I'm just winging it.  So the chevrons will go across the top and bottom of the square.  Watch this space.....

I've moved on from the rust disaster.... Just put another row on this baby. What next I wonder? @sfielke
(Apologies for the crap photo, but lighting has been shocking in Melbourne of late!)
I've said it before, this range of Sarah Fielke fabrics are just beautiful.  But as I have mentioned, I am no mathematician, and was two HST's short in width for these rows.  A quick trip to Spotlight fixed that - and you will be impressed to know that is all I bought!  Well, except for some stretch fabric (GASP!) for a little experimenting.

My first attempt at stretch sewing!  Teeny little harem pants for a teeny little man #canttouchthis Tagged by @squirt_baby now tagging @prettybobbins  @peppermintpatcher @boodesigns in a game of "what I'm doing now"
And this is what I made!  Some teeny little harem pants for a little baby boy.  He has hip dysplasia  and is wearing a brace, so his Mummy asked if I could make some pants for him.  They are far from perfect, and I will be the first to say stretch fabric and I are not the best of friends, but hey - they fitted him!

That's all folks.  I'm trying to be very patient waiting for my weekly instalment in the quilt along.  But it's VERY HARD!

I'm linking up with W.I.P.  Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Love, love, love your Bloom Bloom. Construction,of a quilt is fascinating! Will be interesting to see how those blooms form. Your Dresden quilt is gorgeous too and how sweet you are to whip up a pair of M.C. hammer pants for the little one!!

  2. Great choice of fabrics for your Bloom bloom!

  3. Adorable fabrics you are working on, great stuff! Visiting from Freshly Pieced!

  4. I've been thinking about joining the Bloom Bloom QAL (just no time) but your fabric and colour choices are proving hard to resist! Love the colours and look of it!

  5. Midgey you are ON FIRE this week! Lots of fabric eye candy.

  6. So pretty! I love the Sarah Fielke fabric too - I am hoping there is some left at Spotlight in Singapore this weekend!

  7. The medallion is awesome. I've been loving the Marcelle Medallion. The flying geese make it for me.

  8. Love your fabric selections and the fly by the seat of your pants quilt looks fantastic.

  9. I love the stripy pants. Super cute!

  10. You're going to have two gorgeous quilts! Lovely fabric choices :)

  11. I love the "fly by the seat of my pants" quilt: the fabrics, the placement, the mix of old patterns and new ideas...

  12. Love your fly by the seat of my pants quilt. It looks a little like the medalion quilts that have been popping up on flickr. If you need inspiration for more rows maybe check those out. Super cute!

  13. Your BBP is looking fab! Not long now til the next cutting directions!

  14. I'm also doing the BBP QAL and I know what you mean about crossing your fingers and trusting Lee! I haven't started sewing yet - too much other stuff going on.

  15. love the medallion quilt! your BBP is going to so pretty, those fabrics are gorgeous!

  16. I can't wait to see how the BBP strips turn into the the Bloom blocks! I really want to do the qal but am already under too many wip's!!!
    Your 'fly by the seat of my pants' quilt is gorgeous!

  17. You are on board with all the quilting craze - I'm so jealous watching from the sidelines. Congrats on such great projects.


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