
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Stash - Spotlight on Spotlight

I try very hard not to get sucked in to sales.  Ok, that's a stretch.  I try very hard not to get too much when I get sucked in to sales.

Exhibit A:    I saw in a Facebook sewing group early last week that Spotlight would be having a $1 Fat Flat (FQ) sale later in the week.  I stuck my fingers in my ears and sung "Lalalalalalalalla".  Two days later I found myself parked outside my local Spotlight and thought I best not waste the opportunity.  The picture below is what happened next.  I was a little disappointed in their lack of variety - both in the $1 FF's and the clearance quilting cotton that was all reduced to $4 a metre.  But I took home these pretties anyway......

Just made a little trip to spotlight.... $1 fat flats. And $4 clearance quilting fabric. Oh and trying a new different type of interfacing.....

Exhibit B:  I was pretty happy with Thursday's purchases.  But then I kept seeing everyone else's purchases on before mentioned FB group, and I started to question my happiness.  Why did my local Spotlight have such a shallow pool of FF's??  So like any other sane human being, I dropped the children to school Friday morning and drove half an hour to my favourite Spotlight in Fountain Gate (Yes, home to Kath & Kim).  I grabbed myself the biggest shopping basket I could find and wandered down to the quilting section, only to find there were no big yellow signs advertising the $1 specials.  Hmmmmmm.  After a few seconds of hyperventilation, I strolled almost jogged to the staff members and enquired where said signs were?  ****** crickets ******   Their blank expressions and looks of confusion told me they were unaware of the madness that had struck fabric hoarders nationally.  So I educated them.  I declared that what was shared in FB sewing groups was almost always correct, and they must scan a FF immediately to set the story straight.  So they did.  And their blank expressions were taken over by their very rapid steps to the quilting section, where they selected quite a number of items for themselves before they let the cat out of the bag to their customers.  Love. Their. Priorities.

I may or may not have just driven to a spotlight further away to see if they had a better $1 fat flat selection...... Ummmmm...... Yep! The staff were unaware of the special until I told them, and after scanning them went and stocked up for themselves! #w

And once I got them out of my way, I selected mine!  Aren't they boooootiful!?!?!?  I may or may not have a slight addiction to chevron.  Meh.

They had a better clearance section too...... $4 a metre!!!

I also made myself known to the clearance section, and lightened their load a little.  $4 a metre people!?!?!?  That divine British newspaper print is for a very special quilt back in my near future!

Now let it be known - I am not a bargain hog - whilst on hoarding duties shopping, I shared the not advertised in the store special with each and every person browsing in the quilting section.  And watched their elation whilst they filled up their own baskets.  Sharing is caring people.

And that my friends, is it.

I'm linking up - You can too!

Molli Sparkles

** Disclaimer - this is not a sponsored post - although I think Spotlight should swing me some more $1 Fat Flats for my efforts!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

T.G.I.F.F. - The Dream Weaver Quilt!

Good Saturday morning to you- or Friday somewhere else in the world!  I had every intention of posting this last night - however footy season is back in full swing, and I got a last minute seat at our first Melbourne game - Go Hawks!

Anyway, on to this week's big finish - my Economy Block Quilt - now to be known as the Dream Weaver Quilt!

Economy Block Quilt 

Isn't she pretty?  I had big dreams of photographing this at the local playground, however, Mother Nature intervened and threw some interesting weather at us!  Having said that - I love that these photos show the size of the quilt, and the little bit of sunlight shining through the windows plays on the amazing colours throughout it!

Economy Block Quilt 

My goodness it was a task to quilt!  So many seams!  I started and unpicked three times before finally deciding to just straight line less than 1/4" from the seams on the square.  I then ummed and ahhed about where to take it from there.......and decided to cross hatch.  It was a decision that almost undid me!  For as straight and well lined up the seams are across ways - the diagonal seams proved to be frustrating at times!  The main reason I persevered was due to the very pretty effect it gave the quilt back, which you can see further down in photos.

Economy Block Quilt 

I used Aurifil thread #2024 white for the main quilted area and on my trip to Aurifil Australia Thursday, I grabbed a new beautiful variegated pink thread #4660.  It's very difficult to photograph, but the shades of pink are just divine.  This basic meandering pattern does the white borders of the quilt a nice subtle justice I think.

Economy Block Quilt 

A few of my favourite blocks!  You can find my tutorial for these 9" blocks HERE.

Economy Block Quilt 

For the backing, I chose some vintage embroidered cotton, which feels like a poplin to me.  I was worried the embroidered flowers would give me trouble through the quilting process, but it was a breeze!  And it's like having two pretty quilts in one!

Economy Block Quilt

Sigh.  So pretty.

This one of a kind beauty will be up for sale later this afternoon and will be listed on my Facebook page.  I am more than happy to accept Lay-by terms for purchase upon enquiry.

I'm linking up - You can too!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Boho Cat Bag - Yes, I said Boho Cat Bag!

No other name really fits.....

Boho Cat Bag

I have had this divine Jolie Pomme fabric sitting on my shelf for over a year.  It came straight from Tokyo in The Great Fabric Haul of 2013.  And today, it was plucked off said shelf for project "make a gift for my 16 year old God-daughter".  I used THIS tutorial by Thimble - it was very straight forward and dare I say - simple!

Boho Cat Bag

The quirky detail in the fabric is just amazing.  Dancing cats and bunnies wearing scarves - Love!

Boho Cat Bag

I popped in to Spotlight this morning and grabbed some of their $1 Fat Quarters - this bag used almost two FQ's of the green chevron for the handles and top part and about 2/3 yard of outer fabric and lining fabric.  The lining is a gorgeous stripe that was also at Spotlight in the $4 clearance quilting fabric pile!  I think it may even be a little on the "organic" side.  Winning.

Boho Cat Bag

I added a little zipper pocket on the inside using my tutorial HERE, instead of the pocket included in the Thimble tutorial.  The thread is a divine Aurifil Green #5017  I picked up last time I was there.  It was one of those "jump out and grab you" kind of colours, that I really had no plans for - but it was PERFECT for today!  Here's hoping the teenager loves this bag as much as I do!

I'm linking up - You can too!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday Thanks

A very BIG thank you to everyone who has popped in over the past week and taken the time to leave me a comment and enter my 500 Giveaway!  I will never cease to be amazed at the beautiful feedback I receive and the smile it brings to my face!  The winners were drawn via Rafflecopter earlier today and they were:

International - Vera
Australian - Christine M.
Facebook - Merryn

I shall endeavour to get a little parcel in the mail for each of you during this coming week. 

I have had such a lovely weekend at home (No work!!!), catching up with the in-laws last night and friends today - and in between, managed to get the latest month's block whipped up from The Fat Quarter Shop's Mystery Block of The Month program.....

Loving this months @fatquartershop #bom block!

Such a happy little block!  I think I have mentioned in previous posts, I didn't really think the BOM was going to do much for me, in terms of style, but I'm really enjoying making up these little blocks.  Using fabric I would never normally choose, and blocks I would not think to make!  Only a couple more blocks to go and I will have another quilt top ready to rumble!

And on that note - I have a few days at home this week, and I am going to desperately try and get two quilts finished.  One that has been basted and rolled up ready to quilt for a few weeks now (economy block quilt) and the other that requires a backing to be finished so I can complete it (Waterfront Park quilt).  Life is just getting in the way these days!!!

That's it for this Sunday night.  Just a little thank you and a happy little block - that's all you need sometimes!  Ni-night! xxx

Friday, March 21, 2014

T.G.I.F.F. - Small Projects - Large Impact

It's 8.28pm on a Friday night.  I'm frozen to the bones after watching a great grand final of cricket for my son's under 12 team (which they unfortunately lost), in the very chilly weather.  The kids are all in bed, the husband is watching the footy and I'm going to punch this blog post out fast and furious in order to go and park myself in front of the television, to watch some undoubtedly shady episode of crap.

So here goes........  Three small (in size, not time) projects that have a relatively large impact!

Finished! Great #paperpieced pattern by the lovely @quiltjane I'm not sold on my centre circle but will revisit when I turn this block in to a gift later this week! #botanics @carolynfriedlander

First cab off the rank is this gorgeous paper pieced dresden, designed by Quilt Jane.  Jane put out a call for testers last week and I jumped at the chance!  I love me a dresden, and love me some paper piecing - perfect!  I second guessed my fabric selection for this block - choosing some of the Botanics prints - but I like how it turned out.  I was going to make it in to a cushion but just couldn't make a decision, so have left it to the side for now.  This fabulous pattern is now available HERE in Jane's little e-store.  It's a definite must have.

#paperpieced stationery block for @wherejanecreates I hope you like it and I hope I got the colour scheme right!! #wombatstew

Next up is this awesome paper pieced stationery block.  Jane is the queen in our Wombat Stew paper piecing bee this month - and she wrangled Kristy in to whipping up this delightful block for us all to replicate in one colour scheme each.  I love how it has turned out and look forward to seeing all the various coloured blocks as they come together.  By the way - it IS meant to be a square block - I'm still yet to add the strip of white fabric to the right hand side!  Doh!

And voila!! Last minute birthday gift sorted! And in case anyone cares to know - #aurifil 2000 coordinates beautifully with cream linen! Now, what to fill it with??

And last but certainly not least - today's project was this beautiful linen zippered pouch.  This is what happens when you realise you need a birthday present two days out from said birthday.  It is the first time I've ever worked with linen (it's actually a cotton/linen blend you can buy HERE if you're quick!) and I'm in love!  The lining is a divine yellow feather print from the Flora range.  I also pulled out the teal and yellow Sphere charms I left out of the Baby Blue quilt, and made a teeny little 4.5" star for one side......

And the other side!

And a row of 1" squares for the other.  It's also a first time covering the ends of a zipper.  This zip was the perfect colour to coordinate with the linen, but was a bit too small - so I literally winged it and whacked some of the teal on to the ends and sewed over it, then went on my usual pouch making way and hoped for the best.  Best happened!  I kept to very minimal quilting, with just a couple of echoed rows of stitching around both the star and the rows of squares.  I used Aurifil 50wt #2000 - the most gorgeous creamy gold colour, which co-ordinates beautifully with this fabric!  One of my gorgeous friends saw this on IG and SMS'd me to ask for a tutorial - so I shall try and get to that next week!

In the meantime - I have television to watch!  Ni-night!

I'm linking up - You can too!

Paper Piecing Party

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Baby Blue Quilt

Remember those Sphere charm packs I showed you on Sunday?  Well, don't say I don't work fast people!  This delightful little creation is for a new customer.  Emily messaged me a couple of weeks ago and enquired about ordering a cot quilt for a friend.  We went back and forth discussing colour options, and when I showed her the Sphere by Zen Chic range, she loved it!  We edited out the yellows and dark greens, and stuck mostly with the blues, greys and the multi-colour print with a splash of yellow.  I managed to whip this baby up in a couple of days - which is good seeing as though it has to be in the post by the end of this week to make it to its destination!

Baby Boy Quilt

I've mixed in a little white Homespun and it's bound with a gorgeous blue Homespun also.

Baby Boy Quilt

I've incorporated a couple of the fabulous Botanics prints by Carolyn Friedlander.  They blend in beautifully!  Aurifil #2810 - turquoise blue - was pulled out to straight line quilt 1/4" either sides of each square.

Baby Boy Quilt

And the aptly names "baby blue" homespun was chosen for the backing.

Baby Boy Quilt

I took a number of different photos of the quilt, and as I was walking back inside popped the quilt down on the steps whilst I grabbed something - and realised the the colours really popped against the ageing concrete!  Voila!

The Stats - 40" x 55"
Fabric - Sphere, Botanics & Homespun
Thread - Pieced with Aurifil #2024 50wt, Quilted with Aurifil #2810 50wt by Me

I am seriously in love with this one (what's new?) and will have trouble popping it in the post!  But I will!  Now - what's next on my project list.........

I'm linking up - You can too!

Sew Cute Tuesday

Fresh Poppy Design

P.S. - Don't forget about my 500 Giveaway!  Check out the post HERE.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Stash & Dash

The following fabrics are brought to you by an eagerness to collect hoard, a fabulous Australia Post employee - who took the time to actually Google me to find my phone number, and therefore find out my street number, when the sender didn't put it on the parcel AND a great neighbour who delivers my parcels to me after a different Australia Post employee takes some of my parcels to her address - because, you know, who needs to look at the actual name of my Court??  Bless. 

These gorgeous little cuts arrived today! I love it when others destash!

These divine Heather Ross prints went straight to the pool room shoe box! I'm getting quite the collection... I picked them up through a little destash group I'm in on Facebook - let me know if you want in! 

Oh my giddy aunt!!!!! These divine #kayohoraguchi prints just arrived in the mail!!!

This amazing little bundle came care of a gorgeous fabric store - Lucky Lantern. Would you believe I had no idea they existed - until a "sponsored post" floated through my FB newsfeed?? Well, let it be said those posts work! Unfortunately, she is shutting shop - Noooooo!!!!  My favourite Japanese fabric designer Kayo Horaguchi was snapped up, as well as some gorgeous linen - I've never bought linen before - Sssshhhhhh......

 Very happy mail from #craftdepot

And these? Well, they speak for themselves really. Propping up my Anna Maria Horner collection, and the Sphere by Zen Chic charm packs were purchased to actually use! Who knew?? I will show you what I've already whipped up using them later in the week. Oh, and I got them from Craft Depot in Sydney. Their "sale" section is seriously good!
The "dash" part of this post has a lot to do with the fact that these fabrics have arrived and I've barely had time to touch them! Boooooo!!! I'm linking up - You can too! 

Molli Sparkles
P.S. - Don't forget to check out my 500th post giveaway from yesterday! xxx

Saturday, March 15, 2014

500 - A Giveaway!

Have you missed me?  It's been almost two weeks since my last post! CRA-ZEEEEEEEE!  I have been sewing here and there, and also managed to get away for a few days (again - so spoilt!) over our long weekend last week.  But I've thought about blogging every. single. day.  Why?  Well........


How amaze-balls is that?  I held off posting because I wanted to make it all exciting and have something fabulous to give-away and all that, but I've been so freakin busy that I haven't had the time to organise anything!  So today, I'm just biting the bullet!

I want to thank each and every one of you for popping in, having a look around and most importantly - encouraging me and leaving your fabulous comments!  I PROMISE I read each and every one of them!  I have been incredibly slack of late in replying, but please know I AM reading them!

This blog started off quite a few years ago, with mostly personal posts about life in general - and then the quilting bug bit and well....... You know how the rest of the story goes!

So what can I give away?  I have a tonne of fabric in my sewing room.  I have lots of Aurifil thread.  Plenty of notions and a couple of books.  Heck - I even have some lonely orphan quilt blocks!  How about  a little old mixed parcel?

I will have ONE International winner and ONE local (Australian) winner!


All you have to do is follow the Rafflecopter Instructions!  And if you pop over to my Facebook Page and leave me a comment on my latest post - I shall put you in to the draw for an extra little somethin' somethin' ;)

Monday, March 3, 2014

All Wrapped Up!

Monday is usually a work day for me, but I took today off in order to get myself to a chiropractor.  I've had a very bad headache/migraine for eight days now, and really was getting quite sick of myself!  So after being cracked, poked and prodded, I got out a free tutorial I saw recently and tackled it (whilst watching the Oscars - ssshhhhhh!).

Reversible Wrap Top 

Isn't it gorgeous!?!  Jess from Craftiness is Not Optional provides a free pattern for a reversible wrap top.  I have changed it up a little here and there and I have up-sized it using the same steps I shared in my tutorial HERE.  This is a size six.  Jess's tutorial is really easy to follow!

Reversible Wrap Top 

I just love this Amy Butler print!  The little yellow flower print co-ordinates beautifully!

Reversible Wrap Top 

Miss Chloe was VERY happy when she got home from school and discovered she had a new addition to her wardrobe......

Reversible Wrap Top

And even more delighted when I pointed out she really had TWO new tops!

Now, what can I make next???

Saturday, March 1, 2014

All In A Day's Work!

Today was much like every other Saturday - running around from one child's sporting or dancing event to another!  But once I had them all done and dusted, I got down to some sewing.  The first of the month brings the next Aurifil Designer of the Month block!  And this month Pat Sloan interviews Emily Herrick, and shows us the block - "Borders".

March Aurifil Designer of the month block

I pulled out my stashed bag of Terrain and dug through all the prints to figure out which ones to use.  I'm trying to be very mindful of the fact that I have absolutely no idea what all of the blocks will end up being, so need to spread around all the different colours of the fabric range I've chosen.  So this month, I've gone with the purples and green.  And it's just delicious!  I feel like I want to dive in to it?!!

Designer of the month blocks 

And this is how I'm travelling...... Three down, lots more to go!  If you want to get started on the BOM, head over to my Pinterest board with each month's post.

Once I had that sorted, I delved in to the shelf that houses all my WIP's.  And found all the envelopes with the Fat Quarter Shop Designer Mystery BOM patterns & fabric.  I have been very slack, and was quite behind.  Not anymore!

Fat Quarter Shop Mystery Bom 

I started off with this cute house designed by Polly Minick & Laurie Simpson.

Fat Quarter Shop Mystery Bom 

Then feeling like I achieved something fairly quickly, moved on to another little house, designed by Lisa Bongean.

Fat Quarter Shop Mystery Bom

And at around 5pm in the afternoon, decided to tackle another one - this gorgeous star designed by Vanessa Christenson.  That little star in the middle has four of the tiniest little geese I've ever made!  I love it.  I think I'm now only three blocks behind!!  Hoorah!

Needless to say, my children had Two Minute Noodles for dinner!

So today has been a good catch up day!  What did you get up to?