It's taken me a couple of weeks to get around to binding this baby, but today was the day! I ended up getting some blue Robert Kaufman dots that co-ordinated perfectly with Wee Wander and frames this little quilt beautifully.
I got very motivated this afternoon after finishing it, and raided Chloe's bedroom for some baby-ish props for my little photo shoot! Although this quilt started out as "just a quilt", after I had quilted it - my feathers/leaves/whatever they are - I thought it would be a good idea to add a hanging sleeve on the back, so that when the owner had finished using it for their baby, they could hang it on the nursery wall. I was SOOO thrilled with how it looks on a wall!
If you had of told me a month ago I'd have a quilt with this sort of quilting on it, I would have laughed at you! I'm really, really proud of myself for giving that feather business a crack, and will do it again!
I used my trusty Ikea numbers fabric for the backing, which shows the quilting beautifully. Aurifil #2024 50wt was used to piece and free motion quilt. This little 32" square quilt is the perfect size for a bassinet or pram quilt. Or even as a little play mat - oh so versatile!
The idea for this little piece of loveliness came when The Handmade Library announced they were holding a Collaboration market. The lovely Melisa from "Melisa Jane" joined up with me and after much indecision, we finally agreed on making a Wee Wander baby set. Melisa has made THE MOST awesome nappy bag (Diaper bag for those in the US) I have ever seen! Looky looky......
Both of these items will be available to purchase as a set on the 7th of May over at The Handmade Library. Pricing and further information will be available soon!
Now, whilst I have your attention - I told Gemma from Pretty Bobbins that if I got off my lazy bum this evening and made it upstairs I would try and post a little reply to link up with her discussion over at I Quilt tonight. So, here goes.....
Gemma asked us to share our successes related to our passions. I'm taking a big gulp and going for it.....
1. Being able to spend a couple of days each week to do whatever I please, which inevitably means sewing. I had kids here at home with me for 15 years, so now they're all at school, I quite happily utilise the time for things I want to do.
2. Learning to quilt mostly through online means. I have asked hundreds of questions online, whether it be in FB sewing groups or direct chatting to my quilt friends - I have been so very grateful for each answer I have been given!
3. I have sold a number of quilts to customers now! I'm able to name my price and know that they are worth it. And when customers say they want to buy something I've made, I'm ALWAYS thrilled to think they appreciate the time I've put in to my work.
4. I've slowly but surely changed the direction of my little business over the past year. Ms Midge started off making children's wear and now I've incorporated cushions, quilts and bags in to my repertoire - and my customers are still there! Some of the same customers who have bought their children's clothing from me are now purchasing quilts. I love that!
5. Opening my inbox every day and finding emails from you guys - the fact that you take the time to comment on my blog posts and encourage me on a regular basis is fabulous!
6. Friends. I have met soooo many wonderful human beings through this quilty gig, and I wouldn't be without them. I have always valued friendship very highly in terms of my success as a human being - so I feel pretty damn successful these days!
So there you have it. It's now 11pm and my eyes are hanging out of my head - but a promise is a promise Gem! Every now and then, when I'm rambling excitedly to my husband about how I got an email from this famous quilter, or I received a gift from another famous quilter he'll say "that's great, now you have to work out how to make money from this blogging business". I always laugh at him, and tell him it's not about the money. And it's not. I agree whole heartedly with Gemma on that one. Success is a feeling - not a bank balance.
Peace out.
I'm linking up - You can too!

My eyes are hanging out of my head too!!! Now let me tell you how awesome you are! You are an amazing Mum. Seriously, the love and attention you put into parenting, wow! You rock! You're a suburb friend. To me, but also to your sister, your oldest friends, your Mum. You rock. You are a machine girl!!! I don't know anyone more productive than you! Your business is fantastic and your perseverance and drive is unequalled. Tres cool. And you know what, I've never even met you, but you feel like one of my bffs!! Midge, thanks so much for sharing your successes. I love reading your posts and I can't wait to meet you irl someday soon. Big love to you xxx
ReplyDeleteIt is such a great quilt, I love that it can be used for both girls and boys. And feathered quilting!? So brave haha! I am having difficulties with the link to the handmade library, could you check it real quick? Maybe I'm clicking something wrong..
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful Blogpost! And I love this Quilt! It is by far the most beautiful Quilt I have seen using wee wander. And I have seen quite a few. Best Barbara P.S. Thank you so much for sharing my Aurifil-Post on Facebook! Alex wrote me such a sweet Email and will donate some stuff to giveaway. I'm absolutely thrilled. Thank you so much!!!!
ReplyDeleteHa Ha our hubby's must be related as mine says the same thing too! I think that they are just not wired the way we are ... how come we spend so much time doing something for no or very little monetary gain? Because we love it! (...and we're suckers! lol). PS Putting the hanging sleeve on the little quilt is a great idea!
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