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Sexy huh? |
Who knew carpet was so freakin expensive?? I mean really.....it's just big rugs on floors yeh? Seems I am taking a master class in "how not to get ripped off by big companies" during the infant stages of our renovating. Today was the 3rd hour spent sitting around whilst a strange man wandered around with his measuring tape. Let's hope the quotes get cheaper - please.....
I keep looking at the rather large amount of "stuff" we have, everywhere, and wonder how I am possibly going to get it all packed and moved? Remedied some of the problem by emptying out our garage of all the useless shit we have been holding on to "just in case" on the weekend. Hard rubbish collection has perfect timing this time round. Seems our crap must be really, really crappy this time round. Apart from a few random items, it's all still on the nature strip. Unheard of in this suburb! Some people must roam from area to area, trailer hooked on, picking through others crap in the hope of finding good crap to transfer to their own crappy garage? Noice.
I've sort of, kind of, maybe decided that the kids will be changing schools next year. Our moving date will be some time in July, so I will have at least half a year of travelling to their current school. Yes, it may only be ten minutes each way, but given we have only had to walk 300 metres to school for the past five years, I'm guessing I will be over it by year's end? I have a school in mind, and they just happen to be holding their open night later this month. I'm already bribing Chelsea with the news that they have piano lessons during school hours! Bribery 101 will be my best friend in the coming months.....
Bella the kitten has made herself well and truly at home. She now flies from one piece of furniture to another, and scares the absolute bejeezus out of everyone at some stage during each day. Found her on top of the printer this morning after hearing it turn on. Printer lives on top of three filing cabinets. Still trying to work out the logistics of how she ended there....
That's it. Must go and look productive. Husband just pulled in the driveway!
Sexy sewing Love it :)